Get over it

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Katherine awoke in Tom's arms, her eyes stung, she had been crying in her sleep. Tom was awake but he looked exhausted, he probably didn't sleep all night.

"Are you awake?" He asked.

Katherine nodded.

"Are you ready to tell me about yesterday?" He asked.

She shook her head.

Tom sat up and lifted Katherine up too. She kept her eyes down.

"Do you think you could meet me in the common room in 20 minutes? Ill go get you some breakfast." He said.

She gave a small nod.

Tom walked out the door, looking at Katherine one last time. Tom was worried, she wasn't saying anything.

He left the common room. A couple minutes later he came back with a tray of food. Katherine wasn't down yet. He placed the tray on the table and sat down.

5 minutes, Tom waited patiently. 10 minutes, he started to become a little worried. 15 minutes, Tom walked up the stairs to the girls dormitories.

The bathroom door was wide open, Katherine was on her knees quietly crying. Tom quickly walked over to her and embraced her, she was shivering.

Tom picked her up and carried her to the common room and wrapped her in a blanket. He wiped the tears off her face.

"Tell me what's wrong" he said, holding her close.

She didn't say anything, instead she buried her face into his shoulder.

"It hurts" she whispered.

Tom died a little on the inside. He had to prevent himself from breaking down. "You haven't eaten in hours you need to eat" he said, grabbing the tray.

He placed it in front of Katherine. The thought of food sickened her. She turned her head.

"Katherine please" he said.

"My parents are dead, Tom." She said.

Tom didn't say anything, he didn't know what to say. He grew up alone, without any parents.

"They're gone and it hurts." She sobbed.

A silence.

"Get over it" Tom said.

"What?" Katherine replied.

"Get over it" Tom repeated.

"They were my parents Tom, how can I just get over it?" She asked, barely believing that he was acting this way.

"At least your parents wanted you. I grew up in an orphanage knowing that my parents didn't want me. Your parents loved you." He said.

He was right but he didn't understand the pain she was going through right now. She couldn't blame him, he never felt the love of parents.

" you can't just get over your loved ones. What if you died, would you want me to get over you in just a couple hours?" She asked.

"Yes, I wouldn't want you to feel pain. I'd want you to get over me and find someone else, be happy. With Krum maybe." Tom replied.

Katherine laughed "Krum?"

Tom smiled "or Black"

Katherine laughed again, the thought of being with someone else was hilarious to her.

Tom placed her hand in his " I'm not asking you to forget your parents completely. I'm asking you to be happy about the time you spent together." Tom wiped a tear from her face "and stop crying" he said.

Katherine smiled at him "I don't know what I'd do without you."

Tom kissed her forehead "you will never know. I will always be right beside you. I will always love you."

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