That time of the...

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This chapter may be a bit disturbing for some of you but I thought that it might be funny so... Yeah. This is a more stereotypic version of what happens but whatever. I'm really hoping that guys aren't reading this.

It had been a day since the incident ad Katherine was still in the infirmary. Although she had no broken or fractured bones, they had to confirm that there was no major trauma or memory loss. Tom spent all of yesterday with Katherine. He wanted to sleep in the infirmary too but the nurse wouldn't have it.

Katherine woke up to the bright sun and... cramps?

Oh no

This was probably the worst day for IT. Tom was going to be spending the entire day with her. She groaned in pain and frustration.

Does he even know about IT?

The doors to the infirmary opened and in walked Tom. He smiled at her and took a seat beside her bed.

"How are you feeling?" He asked, taking her hand and placing it in his.

"Just fine!" Katherine snapped.

Tom looked at her oddly " what's up with you?"

Calm down Katherine

" nothing." She said politely. The cramps increased and Katherine winced.

"Are you alright?" Tom asked, worried.

"Yes fine, could you get me a glass of water?" Asked Katherine.

Tom nodded and went to the other side of the room. Katherine shifted positions to what looked like an awkward and uncomfortable position but to Katherine felt normal, the pain subsided a bit.

Tom came back with a glass of water. He looked at Katherine confused " what on earth are you doing?"

"Nothing, why?" She asked nonchalantly.

"Here." He said, placing the water down beside her.

Katherine stared at the water, craving something else.

"I changed my mind, I want crackers with cheese." She smiled at the thought of the delicious cheese.

"Where on earth am I supposed to find crackers with cheese?" Tom asked.

Katherine rolled her eyes "Umm, the kitchen. You're so stupid sometimes that i just want to slap you."

Tom's eyes widened a bit " what?"

Katherine was getting angry " go get my crackers now!"

Tom didn't know how to react to this " honestly Katherine, are you alright?"

Katherine took a death breath and calmed herself down " I just want my crackers"

Tom looked at her suspiciously and nodded.

Tom came back with a tray of cheese and crackers and placed them on the bed. He looked at Katherine who had shifted into another uncomfortable position.

Her eyes lit up when she saw the crackers and she practically devoured them. Tom had never seen Katherine like this, what happened to her in the water?

Tom saw goosebumps on Katherine's arms. The temperature in the infirmary was cold due to the winter. There was a thin blanket placed on Katherine.

"I'll be back, I'm going to get you a thicker blanket." He said as he left the infirmary again.

He came back to another awkward positioned Katherine, with the thickest blanket that he could find.

Tom lifted the thin blanket off Katherine and stared with wide eyes at the horrid sight in front of him. There, right below Katherine's bum was a large pool of blood. Tom nearly screamed, hurriedly backing away and bumping into the bed behind him.

Juusst grreeaat

" Tom, it's that time of the month." Katherine explained.

"What on earth does that mean? HELP NURSE! SHE'S DYING!" Tom screamed.

A nurse came running out of a room to see what all the commotion was about. When she saw the pool of blood she laughed and called her nurse friend over. They laughed together and Katherine couldn't help but laugh a bit either.

Tom stared at then as if they were crazy " what's wrong with you people? She's bleeding to death!"

The nurses and Katherine laughed even more.

Tom had enough of this. He stormed out of the infirmary to find some real help. He saw Slughorn in the hallway. " professor Slughorn!"

Slughorn turned around in surprise " Tom m'boy, what can I help you with?"

"Katherine's bleeding to death and the nurses have gone mad. I need your help." Tom explained.

Slughorn looked at him confused " what do you mean bleeding to death?"

Tom groaned in frustration " there was a pool of blood on her bed."

Slughorn nodded his head " and where was the pool of blood located?"

Tom looked at Slughorn as if he were mad too " under her bum, why?"

Slughorn nodded " and was she going through mood swings and random cravings?"

"Yes!" Tom said.

Slughorn chuckled " follow me Tom" he said, leading Tom to his office.

When they entered, Slughorn went to his bookshelf ,pulled out a book and handed it to Tom.

Tom took the book and opened it, it was a book on... Periods?

"What is this?" Tom asked.

"Read until chapter 3 "

Tom read the first page and stared disgustingly at the book.

"Don't stop, you must read up until chapter 3 to understand what's going on." Slughorn explained and took a seat at his desk.

Tom read until chapter three, regretting that he did. He slammed the book shut and placed it on Slughorn's desk.

"Thank you" Tom said awkwardly before departing. He made his way make to the doors of the infirmary. He peeked in, making sure that the nurses were gone.

"You can come in" Katherine laughed.

Tom awkwardly made his way over to Katherine.

"So..." He said.

"So..." She said.

They burst out laughing.

"Tom how could you not know?" Katherine asked.

"It's not something they teach you at Hogwarts." He said.

Katherine laughed again " this was probably the most craziest thing you've ever been through. The look on your face when you saw blood was priceless. The nurses couldn't stop laughing."

Embarrassment flooded Tom.

"How did you find out?" Katherine asked.

"Slughorn told me, he gave me a book"

Tom murmured.

Katherine didnt laugh, she looked at him confused. " why did Slughorn have a book on periods in his office?"

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