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Many months after the 100 Year War, peace was finally returned to the four nations. Team Avatar could finally relax and be happy.

Toph ended up living in the Earth Kingdom city of Yu Dao, where she began teaching other earthbenders how to metalbend.

Sokka moved back to the Southern Water Tribe, where he worked with his father and trained as a warrior. He also continued training young non-benders to fight. His relationship with Suki didn't last long, as she had to reside in the Fire Nation with the other Kyoshi warriors.

Zuko, with peace restored, was finally able to relax with the protection of the Kyoshi warriors. After years of banishment, his mind and body went through turmoil. He went from strong and tough, to skinny, starved and weak. Now, he was finally at a place where he was - for the most part - comfortable, and it showed.

Aang and Katara ended up together, with Aang working to restore peace. The two resided in the Southern Water Tribe where Katara grew up, but often spent time visiting Zuko in the Fire Nation Palace, along with Toph and Sokka.

Things were looking up for everyone, at least, most people.


"Ahh," a girl sighed in relief as she collapsed beside a river, splashing cold water onto the freshly made scar trailing down her neck. She winced as she looked at her reflection, the bleeding wasn't stopping. Messy black hair kept getting in the way of her cut, getting matted with blood.

"Screw it!" the girl slid jerkily into the water, shivering immediately from the cold. She ran her fingers through her hair, making sure to get all the knots out, then pulled it all into a big bun. Lose wet strands still fell over her face.

Once the blood seemed to stop, the girl swam back to shore. As she started to get out, a strong hand grasped her arm.

"Need a hand?"

Above her stood a boy, maybe a year older than her, flashing a confident grin. His skin was tanned, and his blue eyes glistened in the evening sunlight; Water Tribe.

The girl tiredly smiled, allowing him to help her up.

"Come with me, you look quite roughed up, I know some people who can help you. The name's Kaito by the way. And you are?"

"Rumi, I came from Ba Sing Se."

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