18. Traitor

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Two people lunged at Rumi from either side of her. They must've been hiding in the shadows, her place was always kept so dark.

Swiftly, they held her hands behind her back.

"Hold still, or I'll make it hurt," it was the voice of one of Kaito's friends, an earthbender, and a strong one at that.

The other person's hands felt more delicate, it was a girl. She spoke, "I don't wanna hurt you, Rumi, make this easy, please."

"Siku?! What the hell are you doing?!" Rumi screamed, but Kaito quickly clasped a hand over her mouth, and proceeded to gag her.


"What's going on?" Aang asked, to no one in particular.

The group looked around as everyone was gathering in the centre of the village. It was odd though, Osamu wasn't there.

Some people were whispering, they looked scared almost. Nima was there too, with a look of deep concern spread across her face.

"Let's follow them," Toph said, and so they did.

Once everyone was gathered, the murmurs and mutterings grew.

"Do you think he really has proof?"

"Won't she try to attack us?"

"We need to be ready."

That's when Kaito appeared, immediately drawing the attention of every single set of eyes.

"Just like I promised... proof!" he gestured a proud hand to Siku and the earthbender, dragging Rumi to the centre.

She was still gagged and her hands were bound behind her back, her ankles were tied as well.

"Rumi, no! What are you doing to her?!" Zuko screamed, he lunged forward but was held back by Toph and Sokka.

Everyone's eyes widened when they noticed something about Rumi. Usually, she wore clothes that covered her entirely, topping it off with a scarf or collared shirt, but now, she was different. She wore a cropped top and short baggy pants, and that's when everyone saw the scatterings of little scars all over her body. To top it off, she had one big one going from her neck diagonally down to her chest.

Zuko was horrified, scared, sad, confused. He didn't know what to feel, all he knew was that his emotions were swirling all around and he didn't know how to stop it, or what to do.

Rumi's eyes were squeezed shut as people gasped and stared, she didn't want to see their expressions. She didn't want to see Zuko's expression.

"I present to you," Kaito shouted, "the etherbender! Is that enough proof for you, Nima?!" he grabbed onto Rumi's arm and shook her violently.

Everyone turned to the old woman, who solemnly nodded without a word.

"What's going on?!" Osamu's voice boomed as he shoved past the crowd of people. When his eyes laid on Rumi his harsh expression faltered. "Free her, Kaito. Now." Osamu's
tone was low and serious.

"No!" Kaito wailed. "We need to be rid of her! She's a traitor! She's destroying our world!"

The crowd shouted in agreement with Kaito. Rumi's eyes shot open, full of terror. "Let me go, Kaito!" she screeched, and turned to Zuko and the rest. "Do something!"

The group looked to each other, distraught and unable to make a decision. She was their friend, but she'd been lying to them this whole time; keeping this mortifying secret.

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