8. A Tear in Space

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Everyone stared in awe at the strange black slit that was ever so slightly pulsating, as if it were alive.

"What is that?" Sokka's voice cracked, he reached out his hand towards it but Zuko grabbed his arm tightly.

"What are you doing?" he snarled, "We don't even know what that is and you're going to touch it?"

"Sokka just, be careful," Katara said, urging Zuko's hand off of Sokka. The two boys separated and took several steps back from the thing.

"It looks like a tiny portal," Aang stated. "I could feel the energy coming from it right before it happened, I can still feel it."

The others could feel it now too, like they were being drawn to it, like gravity.

"In a way, you're right," a voice from behind them said. The group turned around to be met with Nima.

"Well, what is it?" Toph asked.

"A tear, a tear in space, I suppose. Some would call it a black hole," Nima explained.

"How did this happen?" Zuko demanded.

"I don't know exactly, but I suspect it has something to do with the element Ether. It radiates a great amount of energy, enough energy to create this tear in our world," Nima gazed deeply into the black hole.

Aang walked up to Nima, "How do we get rid of it? There must be a way!"

She sighed, by this point, much of the village had gathered around, and the situation began feeling very stressed.

"As far as my knowledge goes, there's no way to stop it. We just need to hope that it goes away on its own. Whoever's responsible for this has to calm down at some point," although her words were confident, Nima's tone said otherwise. "We do need to stay clear from it, watch," bending down, Nima picked up a blade of grass and tossed it near the black hole, which sucked it up in a matter of seconds.

A hush fell upon the crowd, and people began fighting; accusing each other of being the Etherbender. Fire was sent flying, people were shouting and freezing each other, rocks hurtled through the air. It kept escalating until Aang sent a force of air throughout the crowd, forcing their attention on him.

"Listen! Everyone needs to calm down! Fighting won't make the situation any better! Nima said that whoever did this needs to calm down in order for it to go away! Stop turning on your friends, we all need each other, especially now!"

Katara smiled proudly at her boyfriend, and then added, "Everyone should just go their homes at relax! It's the best and only thing we can do right now!"

There was no way the people would turn against the Avatar, and it was true, what he said. People went around, apologizing and hugging each other as they headed home, still weary of the tear that hovered just outside the tea shop.

Aang closed his eyes and breathed a sigh of relief, but the calmness was soon ruined by Osamu.

"I don't know how this happened, but as the Avatar, you need to fix this," he boomed, but Nima quickly worked to calm him down.

"There's no need to get mad at the Avatar, he certainly didn't cause this, and there's nothing I know of that can be done to fix it. Osamu, you know who the Etherbender is, you could do something."

Osamu's shoulders drooped, "She doesn't listen to me," his focus turned back to Aang. "I'm sorry about all this, our village isn't the most peaceful, you'd all best be getting some rest, it's late."

With that, Nima and Osamu both left, leaving the group alone while the rest of the village was housed up and ready to sleep.

"It feels wrong to leave this black hole like this," Katara said wearily.

"It'll probably be home by tomorrow," Sokka mused. "Let's go back to the inn, I'm starving!"

"You guys go on, I'm gonna go for a walk and clear my head," Zuko said, already heading off.

For a while, he just explored the village. The forest was creepy at night, and the village could be seen that way as well, but the lights gave it a soft homey glow. It felt like a little star in the middle of the woods. It calmed Zuko, and as he walked, he discovered a small clearing surrounded by trees. It was higher up in the village, on a hill that looked over the river. Lights were scattered around the trees, and all Zuko could hear was the rushing water and crickets chirping.

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath in, the air felt lighter here, it made it appear as though there wasn't this heavy weight on him. Zuko decided it would be alright if he were to lay here for a bit, just on the grass. He moved closer to the part that hung over the lake, until he noticed her.

Oh no, I should get out of here, he thought, suddenly feeling frantic.

"So are you just gonna stand there, trying to be discreet, instead of saying anything at all?" Rumi asked from where she laid on the grass, her eyes remained closed.

"Er, I'm sorry if I disturbed you, I'll leave," but as he turned to go, Rumi stopped him.

"Wait! You can stay, it's insanely relaxing here," she was now laying on her side, head propped up by her hand.

"Are you sure?" Zuko stepped towards her, but his eyebrows were furrowed with concern.

"Yes, I'm sure," she patted the ground next to her, and Zuko hesitantly laid down next to her, but was sure to keep his distance.

A/N ~ hey! i just wanted to let everyone know that i changed something earlier in the story. originally, the etherbender was banished from Ba Sing Se, but i changed it to her having run away. i felt like her parents wouldn't have the heart to have her banished, so that was more fitting.
anyways, i hope people are enjoying this! have a great day/night or whatever time it is when you're reading this!
— Blaise⚡️

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