23. The Eastern Air Temple

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"Rumi! Rumi! Wake up!"

Rumi groaned as she felt herself being lightly shaken awake, and opened her eyes to see Zuko hovering above her.

"Where-where am I? What h-happened?" she asked, scrunching up her face and rubbing her head. She tried to get up, but her whole body felt shaky, and she struggled to hold her weight.

"Careful!" Zuko cautioned as he helped her lay back down.

Rumi groaned, her head pounding and the light irritating her eyes. She looked down at herself and noticed much of her body was bandaged up. She looked to everyone questioningly.

"Your scars were bleeding a bit. I tried to heal them but it didn't do much, so Zuko wrapped them up," Katara explained.

Rumi looked up at Zuko, who was holding her as she laid down. "Thank you," her voice was raspy. "I don't really deserve it though."

"You helped me when I was injured, I'm returning the favour," he said.

Rumi shook her head, "No, I mean, I hurt people. I-I lost it."

"That's where I come in."

Rumi turned her head abruptly to see an old scrawny monk, he handed her a bowl with a strange looking liquid in it.

"Who are you?" she asked, "And what kind of drink is this?"

"I am Guru Pathik, drink," he instructed.

Rumi raised a curious eyebrow and hesitantly took a sip, immediately spitting it out after.

"What the hell is that?! Banana and... and-"

"Onion!" Guru Pathik said. "Aang told me you were brought here to open your chakras, correct?"

Rumi nodded, "Yes but, I don't think I should be trying to get stronger, I've only ever hurt people."

"Ah, not only will you be stronger, but opening the chakras will give you control, and a sense of spiritual connection to your element. Yours is quite dangerous, without proper training, it will eventually consume you," Pathik explained.

Rumi looked up at Zuko, as if to ask for his opinion. He simply smiled and nodded, "You're not a bad person, no matter what you think. You deserve this."

"I don't, but," she turned back to Guru Pathik, "I'll do it."

"Yes!" Aang exclaimed. "I've already done it, so if you're struggling at all, I can help!"

Sokka groaned a sound of concern, "I don't think that's a good idea, Aang. My instincts tell me Rumi has to do this on her own."

"You are quite right, Sokka. Rumi will need to look deep inside herself, and discover what it is that is holding her back," Pathik added.

"So when do I start," Rumi asked.

Pathik laughed, "Not so hasty, you still need to heal."

"My healing won't be much help I guess," Katara said glumly, "but I'm sure Zuko will take care of you!"


It was now nighttime, the crescent moon high and bright in the sky. The view of the starry sky from the Eastern Air was breathtaking, but this time, Rumi wasn't caught up in its beauty. She was busy trying to make her bed, her limbs still shaky and weak.

"Let me do it for you!" Zuko insisted, grabbing Rumi's blanket from her.

She snatched it back and sneered, "I can do it! I don't need help!"

She began trying to make her bed once again. Zuko watched as long as he could until her unsteady legs gave out. If Zuko hadn't caught her on time, she would've hurt herself on the hard ground.

Rumi groaned and shoved him away. Zuko's bed was already set up beside hers, but she now attempted to move her stuff away from his.

"Don't be stupid, Rumi!" Zuko wasn't good at consoling people, his temper too often got a hold of him. It was especially difficult with someone as stubborn and hardheaded as Rumi.

"I'm not being stupid, I can do it on my own!" Rumi snapped, bending down to pick up her things.

Without thinking, Zuko grabbed Rumi before she had the chance to move, pinning her to the ground. He was on top of her with his hands holding Rumi's arms down.

"W-What are you doing?" Rumi stuttered.

Zuko's face went beet red once he realized what had just occurred, and the position the two were in.

"I-uh-I'm sorry!" Zuko stumbled over his words nervously, avoiding Rumi's stare.

"Y'know, you say you're sorry, but you don't move," she squirmed around underneath him. "Gosh you're heavy."

"S-sorry... I know," his head hung a little and his hair flopped into his face. Zuko took his hands off so Rumi could move her arms.

She lifted a still-shaky hand and pushed Zuko's hair out of his face, "I didn't say it was a bad thing. What if I told you I like it?" she asked boldly.

Zuko jerked his head to meet her alluring gaze. He gulped, and started lower himself more onto her, scared to put his full weight on her.

Rumi snickered and put a hand on the back of his neck, urging Zuko to stop hesitating.

"It's okay, I'm tough," she smirked.

Zuko smiled nervously and pushed himself onto her so that his face was near hers, their noses barely brushing. Finally, he stopped holding himself up at all, and Rumi hitched in a painful breath.

"Ah, stop!" she winced, and Zuko immediately jolted off.

"Are you okay?! I'm sorry! You-you said you'd be fine!" Zuko looked absolutely terrified. Oh god, I screwed this up. I'm so stupid! I hope she's not hurt badly. Wait, she's... smiling at me?

"You're cute when you're flustered. Don't worry, I'm fine," she sighed in defeat. "You were right, I... need help."


A/N ~ hey guys, i thought about something that i probably should've said earlier. if any of ya notice some grammar or spelling mistakes... please tell me! i'm a total grammar nazi but i sometimes still miss my mistakes when i reread, so you're help would be greatly appreciated!
as per usual, remember to comment/vote/share, and enjoy!

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