13. Sneak Attack

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"It's quiet," Aang murmured.

"They're trying to sneak up on us," Rumi whispered, "Now be quiet."

Several deafening minutes of silence passed and nothing happened, and Rumi silently shuffled over to Toph.

"Can you see anything? With your seismic sense?" she asked.

Toph nodded, "They're approaching our group and Osamu's group."

Thank god, Rumi thought, knowing very well that they were the two strongest groups, and that the Dai Lee was at a disadvantage due to the water.

"Look up!" Toph suddenly yelled, and Rumi saw a boulder come hurtling towards them, but Aang quickly deflected it with a surge of air.

At that point, the Dai Lee was spotted and all hell broke loose. They used their earthbenders to build bridges so they could cross the river, but Katara and Siku sent waves crashing into them, sending them splashing into the water, but they couldn't stop all of them.

The ones that made it across made it clear what their objective was: restrain all the benders in sight. By this point, the fight was brought to the center of the village as the villagers got pushed in. They were completely outnumbered.

Rumi was currently caught in a fight with a non-bending soldier, using her knife fighting abilities rather than her bending. She knew her advantage against these people would be speed, and the second she saw an opening she took a chance dove down, slicing the soldier in the shin with her blade.

As more troops poured in, the weaker benders were restrained, hands cuffed and concealed behind their backs so they couldn't bend. The only people left were Rumi and Osamu's groups, aside from Sokka, who was being held by a soldier.

"Let my brother go!" Katara screamed, attempting to freeze the soldier, but she was stopped when a boulder struck her in the side, sending her to the ground with a thud.

Rumi and Aang were easily the fastest and most agile there, and had been dodging attacks. However, Rumi could tell that Aang was deliberately not hurting anyone.

"Aang, what are you doing?!" Rumi yelled, "They're gonna take your friends!"

"But I don't understand why they're doing this! It's my duty to keep the peace!" he protested.

Rumi watched as more and more of the people she knew were chained up, she was fuming. She was angry at Aang because she knew he could fix this. He could send them all flying if he wanted, but he wouldn't. She knew he wouldn't.

In her peripheral vision, Rumi saw Zuko fighting an earthbender soldier. Swiftly, Rumi circled around so she was behind the person she was fighting, and jabbed her knife into the mans shoulder blade. Her precision was nearly perfect, and she made sure none of her jabs would kill anyone, only disable.

Now, she could get a better look at Zuko, who was obviously struggling. His movements weren't as quick or agile, as he wasn't used to this kind of fighting anymore. His firebending was still extremely powerful though, but he looked like he needed help. The earthbender had pinned Zuko's feet to the ground by surrounding them in a prison of rocks.

Without thinking, Rumi felt her hand heat up as she produced a fire that grew bigger and bigger, but Osamu caught her eye and sternly shook his head. The look in his eyes made Rumi's whole body sink, and she only grew angrier.

That's when she noticed an important factor: all the earthbenders had bare feet, and an idea suddenly popped into Rumi's head.

Swinging her arm around as she crouched near the ground, Rumi sent a sheet of fire cascading over the ground, burning the feet of everyone standing on it.

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