Chapter 2️⃣7️⃣

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(JK's POV)

"Why isn't his body temperature rising?"

My mind was a complete mess and I couldn't think straight but I needed to warm V's body, somehow, anyhow. Then something popped up inside my head, carefully I lifted the comforters and slided in beside V on the bed.

Through out this process V didn't move one bit. I wrapped my arms around him tightly, praying that my body heat would help warm him.

Why am I so scared of losing you? Why when I didn't even know you for long? Isn't seven days a short time? I do want you to stay alive but can I really accept you like that V?


With a groan I woke up the next morning, my hands gropped around for V but found the place beside me empty. Worried, I sat up straight and looked around my room, the balcony door was wide open.

"Did he lea- no no...he can't..." I threw the comforts off of me and almost in a daze got up from my bed, my feet automatically took me towards the balcony and I stood there wishing that what I dreaded was wrong.

The whole apartment was quiet, I let out a shaky breath and a lone drop of water escaped from my eyes.



(V's POV)

I woke up early the next morning, my body had gone back to normal but how that I did not know. It became clear though when I noticed that Jungkook was lying down beside me.

Unintentionally and quite automatically too, a smile formed on my lips as I stared at the sleeping boy beside me.

“Should I cook something for him?” I pondered but then realized that I did not know how to cook. Sighing, I went towards the kitchen, “I can at least try and make some ramen noodles...” Nodding, I searched through the cupboards for the noodles, “Aha!” after rummaging through the cupboards for some time, I finally found the noodles inside the cupboard that was beside the stove.

“ how do I cook this?” my eyes quickly scanned through the instructions but sadly could not understand anything, “Should I just wake Jungkook up?”

Deciding to do just that I started walking towards our room, Jungkook was standing in front of the balcony, “Jungkook?”

Jungkook whipped around at that, his eyes were red and from the look on his face it looked like he was in a lot of pain,“How do I cook this?” I asked, lifting up the ramen packet.

Instead of answering, he quickly closed the distance between us and embraced me tightly. Shocked, my hands went limp, causing the ramen packet to fall, “Wh-what happened?”

Again, he did not reply and continued holding me tightly. Worried by his weird behaviour, I pushed his body slightly away from mine, he was crying, “Why are you crying?”

Jungkook shaked his head in reply, wiped his tears off and gave me a small smile, “You wanna eat ramen for breakfast?” he laughed.

“Well... yes?”

At this Jungkook burst out laughing, “It's not healthy to eat ramen for breakfast V.” he said through laughter.


“Aww...hey don't be sad...we can eat ramen later... okay? How about I make you some pancakes?” Jungkook suggested while taking my hand in his and giving it a light squeeze.

I nodded my head in reply, kinda sad that I would not be able to eat ramen but also excited about trying out this new food, ‘pancakes’. Hmm...I know about cakes... But what is this new thing? I thought while following Jungkook inside the kitchen.


“Woow this smells so good!” I said as Jungkook placed the last piece of pancake on a plate.

“It'll taste good too... hopefully!” Jungkook grinned in reply and handed me one of the plates, “Let's go eat it in our room.”

I agreed and the both of us went towards his room, immediately sitting down on the bed and eating the pancakes, “How...umm... how are you feeling?” Jungkook asked, while looking at me carefully.

“Huh? Me? I am all good...why are you asking?” I replied.

Jungkook just stared at me for some time, the look on his face was worrying me a lot, so I put the plate down and stared right back at him.

After a while Jungkook gave me a small smile, similar to the one he gave me earlier, “That's good. Eat the pancakes while they are still hot.”


(JK's POV)

As I watched V I realized something, whatever it was and however it happened without me knowing didn't matter, what mattered most was that it had already happened and there was no way to undo it.

I sighed at this, the pancakes had suddenly lost all my attention, “Do you want to go somewhere with me?” I asked, causing V to stop eating.

He stopped and looked at me with curious eyes and nodded his head after some time.

I have started liking him.

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