Chapter 3️⃣1️⃣

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(V's POV)

The effect was seen immediately. The pain in my chest started diminishing and I would have sighed in relief had I not been kissing Jungkook.

Now that the pain was gone, my subconscious instinct to stay alive came rushing in and I deepened the kiss. My hands started wandering and suddenly Jungkook was lying on the bed with me on top.

I was about to unbutton his jeans when something that he had said came back to me. “You just want to use me”  Drawing a shaky breath in, I detached myself from him. Shocked at my behaviour, I slumped down on the floor.

What was I doing? I- but he did not say anything either... Why did he not?

“Why did you not stop me? Why Jungkook?Why...”

Tears were streaming down my face and the realization of what I was going to do without Jungkook's permission made me want to vomit.


(JK's POV)

I had to wake up in the middle of the night because V was trashing and screaming inside my room.

Why did I sleep on the couch?! Regretting my decision, I dashed towards my room and the sight that greeted me made me speechless. It looked way frightening than it sounded.

V was completely covered in cold sweat and upon closer inspection of his face, I noticed that he was crying too. “V?”

To my horror, this caused him to trash around more. My mind went blank and all I could do was call out to him.

After some minutes of vainly screaming his name, he finally woke up with a gasp. My first reaction to this was placing my hands on his shoulders comfortingly, “You okay?”

Instead of giving me a verbal response, V threw himself at me and captured my lips with his. Even though he was kissing me, I could feel that his body was very rigid.

For the second time my mind went blank and all I could focus on was the soft lips that were desperately kissing me.

Is it finally the time? Is this how I'm going to lose my virginity? Thank goodness I'm still wearing my new underwear...

Only these silly thoughts came in my mind and by now I was becoming desperate too. Thankfully, V finally reached for my pants and with my eyes closed, I braced myself for what was going to happen next.

I waited...and I waited but instead of feeling his skin on my own it suddenly felt empty.

Confused, I opened my eyes only to see V sitting on the floor, crying. My brain had stopped working because of the recent activity and because of that I couldn't understand what V was saying.

I stared at his chest with my mouth open. The fact that he was crying was what kept me in check, otherwise I would have taken my pants off myself and jumped on him.

Busy in fantasy land, I was finally able to understand what he was saying when he shouted,“WHY DID YOU NOT STOP ME?!”

I was forced out of my reverie when V started trembling horribly after screaming, “What are you talking about?”

“I was just about to use you for selfish reasons but you did nothing to stop me... I-I did not even ask for your permission...”

I flinched when he said ‘use’ and was reminisced of how I had accused him of using me. I wanted to punch myself, “You didn't... I'm okay... it's okay...” I said in a soothing voice.

That did nothing and I stared outside, it was still night time, sighing I looked back at V. He was shaking so much that it made me feel guilty.

How could I even accuse someone like him of using me...? What was I even thinking?

As softly as I could, I pulled him towards me and gently wrapped my arms around him so that his chin could lay on top of my shoulder.

“You can use me all you want...”

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