My External Demon (just one)

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*picture above*

I am not figuratively speaking.

I have a literal demon in my house.

Its name is Tobi with stubby legs and a striped, furry back. Her long tail would tap impatiently on the carpet floor, quietly thumping amiss the silent hallways. Eyes widen into slits and slowly darken as she finds her target, but her poor target would never die a fast, merciful death. Instead, Tobi just plays with her food until it dies.

Most of the time, the "food" would be some innocent skink or lizard just wanting to spend a day bathing outdoors. I'm not even joking when I say that my backyard is turning into a lizard graveyard and could honestly mimic the "Elephant Graveyard" from The Lion King. Dead, tailless lizard corpses are scattered across my patio, just rotting away like nature's deal.

I certainly didn't want to deal with the demon, but she'd just continue to make my patio look as if some massacre just happened.

If you hadn't guessed what Tobi is, she's a cat. A very evil one too. I brought her home earlier this year after the death of my dog, Bo, hoping that she'd fill up that hole in my heart. She was an adorable little bean, and I wish she could always stay that adorable- not to mention nice as well.

I'm not quite sure what made her change. Maybe cats also have an angsty age like us teenagers do? She doesn't damage much of the house as I trained her to not do that (except the walls- she absolutely DESPISES the cat tree), but she loves not only using the wall but also my legs as scratching posts (love hurts right?).

Maybe she's just getting her inner inspirations from the Obito (Naruto). Pretty positive that guy is also "Tobi" too.

I tried the water bottle trick to squirt at her in order to teach her, but it honestly just pisses her off even more as she probably thinks, "You pathetic human," each time I spray her.

Though, there is one thing I'm really glad to have Tobi for. Killing obnoxious insects.

A few nights ago, I was working, blasting classical music around the room to help me study. My eyes are pointed down at the paper, but there's still a gap from the table and my legs so the floor is in view.
















Do you know what was funny though? Tobi just sat there. My cat literally just SAT there and watched me throw basically everything at the cockroach and failing to kill it. This thing was just enjoying the show of my suffering and terror, casually licking her paw and cleaning her face.

The cockroach ran away and hid, and I was very aggravated that it didn't die. I tried to keep my mind off of how the cockroach is still roaming around my room, and I ended up going to bed hoping that the insect wasn't going to crawl through the cracks of my door.

Lights out. It was dark and really quiet. There was an occasional chirp of crickets outside and a bit of rustling outside, presumably from my cat. I typically don't know what the hell she does at night, but I've kind of accepted that I really don't know why my cat does half of the things she does.

I was shocked to know that cats growl, and their growls sound like dogs. I got up, hearing this loud growl. It was a deep, throaty rumble that resembled my old Labrador/German Sheppard mix doggo's growl. Tobi, her tail all fluffed up, faced the cockroach that scared me earlier.

Let me tell you, cockroaches, when threatened, release this god awful smell; unfortunately, that's how the outside of my room smelled. The entire living room started smelling like it once Tobi chased the insect around until going down the stairs. Each time she turned or went down a step, her white paws would press up against each other and slam down on the carpet floor.

At the final step, the stench was absolutely revolting. It smelled like rotten eggs mixed in with baby powder. Tobi sat beside the squashed cockroach, still growling and prodding at the corpse. I was so happy that I gave her some extra midnight treats for being my wonderful hero.

She seemed to like me at the moment, but it was also only because I gave her treats.

After cleaning up, spraying some Febreze, and heading to bed, I was able to sleep without a single fear of another cockroach coming near me. I guess that's an upside to my cat killing everything in her path.

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