III. The Birth

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Oh. My. God. Make it stop. Make this boredom stop. I don't care how or who has to die for it, just make it stOP!!!

I bet you are immensely confused. Maybe not, considering the last place (belly) I was when I figured out what the fuck is up with my afterlife.

BUT just in case you don't know, let me just recap all the things that I've been doing (thinking) since I've been in this unknown woman's uterus.

And before I do that, I'm just gonna get it out there: that I have absolutely no fucking idea how long I've been in this uterus.

There I said it! Me, a prodigy doctor (who can tell just from a single glance; when a woman is pregnant) doesn't know how long she's been inside a uterus.

How many times am I gonna have to ask: what has the world come to???

Though I did try to count the seconds, hoping that it'll help me give at least an idea of how long I've been coped up in here. But it wasn't till I reached number 7,000, that I knew it was finally time to stop. Because the more I counted the more I feelt like I wanted to kill myself.


It wasn't long before I started to loose hope that I might actually not be an alien. As sadly as that made my non-existent heart shatter. And I'm 69,69% (yeah, I did that. Fight me!) sure that I might not be any sort of animal, if the muffled voices outside this belly is anything to go by.

Oh! And also, remember that squishy thingy that touched my tiny hand and scared the non-existent dick out of me, yeah that one, well it turns out that that was the umbilical cord. You know, the umbilical cord that enters the fetus via the abdomen, at the point which (after separation) will become the umbilicus (or navel). If you don't know, then you are just stupid. Or young, I don't fucking know.

At least this weird circumstances is- unintentionally- curing my claustrophobia.

ANYWAY, back to my story in the womb (God, I can't believe I just said- thought- that)

As boring as it was, LUCKILY there has been some good feedback to my body's strength enhancement, overtime.

Like my enhancement in hearing- the voices outside this uterus becoming more extinguished to the point that I can tell the gender of the human that is just about a two-foot or so, away from my new residence aka the uterus.

Enhancement in smell- you'd thing this would be a good thing, but considering where the fuck I am; this more like a curse, because now I can smell whenever I piss in here. And before you ask; Yes. Unborn babys' do pee in the womb. Just a couple of months into their development, little humans begin peeing freely into the amniotic fluid that surrounds them in the womb. Then, foreshadowing all the gross stuff that babies do once they're born, they'll consume that urine as they swallow the amniotic fluid. In utero pooping is less common- If you didn't know about this... actually that's ok, it's not common knowledge anyway.

And last but not least, and possibly my favourite improvement is my muscle enhancement- there has been a moment or two where I felt my baby muscles clenching, even for a millisecond I was sure that my tiny fingers gave a little twitch. I may have not be able to see it, but I felt it for sure. It felt like when your body gives an unintentional flinch without meaning to, it was both scary and exciting.

And what I'm most thankful for those enhancement, is that if I'm getting stronger to the point that I can start kicking ( or 'quickening' as professionals like to call it) this gives an idea as to how long I've been here. And according to my calculations: I must be somewhere 16 and 25 weeks old fetus.

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