IV. The Hospital

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Five days old

Five days old

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Silence. Emptiness. Unfairness. Unforgiving. Loneliness. Blank.

Silence. Emptiness. Unfairness. Unforgiving. Loneliness. Blank.

Silence. Emptiness...

It all keeps going around and around and repeating like black clouds, floating above my head, taunting me of my current situation; a rather depressing situation.

And that situation is me. Sitting on my bed, with a pathetic posture, dark circles under dark eyes, paler than usual complex, head handing low. But my eyes never strained its focus from its target: the floor under my barefoot feet.

Now why would I be staring at a carpless floor, you might be wondering. It's nothing interesting to stare at and it didn't do anything to deserve to be stared at by me as if it cursed my ancestors existence. But if you knew what happened and what laied there................

But if you knew what happened and what................

But if you knew what happened..................

But if you knew..................

But if...............









Did I fall asleep on the job?




No, no, no, that sounds way to close than I'm comfortable with. Like... Right next to me?

My eyes, they won't open. I-i can't move. I feel so warm. Uncomfortably warm.

I feel so paralysed. So powerless and weak, as if my bones have turned chicken sized.

Am I still in that fucked up dream? No, I'm way too aware of myself to be still in a dreamland. I'm definitely awake.

But then wha-


I died

I  committed suicide

I reincarnated

Oh, right, I did!!! I died!!! Now I remember, you silly goose.

Get your shit together Daniela, you're not supposed to be this naive. But then again, rebirth is not a common thing that happens to me to not be naive. So I guess I can forgive myself for my stupidity.

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