School Stress ~ Shaana

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Stress is something almost if not every student have to deal with when pursuing their studies in any grade at any school. Sadly, if not handle well, it can lead to various mental/physical breakdowns, contribute to developing mental illnesses and affect your grades. I used to stress so much before an exam that I would break down into a paroxysm of sobs if I failed. Of course, nobody likes flunking a test, but one must make room for errors in order to learn and grow from them, even if it doesn't feel like the best thing in the world. That said, here are some helpful methods to relieve your school stress!

>> Workout/Fitness <<

Your well-being must come first; if you are not well, you won't be able to study properly. Doing zen stretching, going to the gym, speed-walking/jogging are excellent ways to keep fit so you can feel great when going into a studying session. Other options could be playing Just Dance, doing yardwork, riding your bike... The possibilities are limitless!

>> Nature <<

It is scientifically proven that being in nature relaxes you, so why not take the time to walk in a nearby forest or field, go on a mini-hike, bask in the fresh air of your backyard. Taking the time to be alone in silence while the wind blows and the sun sets is bound to put you in a decompressed mood!

>> Reading <<

Whether it's an ebook or a paperback, reading feeds the mind and the soul. Read something to change your ideas for some time, get lost in your fantasy novels or transport yourself in the era of your favorite historical fiction. Just don't forget to get back to your homework!

>> Music <<

You don't have to be an A-list musician to make music just like you're not obliged to be a dj to listen to some awesome tunes. Youtube channels like Chilledcow, offering a variety of the chillest lofi beats, or Relax Music, providing you with some relaxing jazz, can alleviate your stress before, during and after studying. If you have an instrument at home, play it! If you sing or write songs, practice your craft!

>> Online Media <<

There are a lot of videos and websites at your disposal to help you with schoolwork. In fact, there are many helpful tools listed in this book alone, but you can always ask your teachers if they have any  specific recommendations.

Don't forget to be easy on yourself; you don't have to be perfect, just give it your all and find contentment in the results knowing that you did the best you could. Asking someone for help doesn't make you dumber, not everyone gets it on the first try. Practice, practice, practice! You go, girls <3

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