Chapter 7

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Seulgi walked out of her room and chuckled as she spotted Yerim lying on the sofa with her legs up on the wall. "What are you doing?" she asked and Yerim tilted her head, noticing Seulgi.

"I've been a little stressed lately, and I read on Google that lying in this position helps to clear one's mind."

Seulgi pursed her lips together and furrowed her eyebrows at the younger member but soon walked over to the sofa and got into the same position, letting her long hair hang down from the sofa while she stared at her orange slippers.

"What are you stressed about?" she then asked Yerim.

"It's just that I'm not used to having such a busy schedule. Now that we are one of the top groups our schedules are ten times more hectic and I don't know, I can't take it... I had to get a few IV drips yesterday." She told Seulgi, whispering the last sentence.

Seulgi tilted her head a little bit, looking at the younger one who seemed to be in a deep thought. She stayed silent for a few seconds, just shocked about the sudden confession. She didn't know if she wanted to yell 'what?', ask 'why?' or pressure Yerim with any questions at all.

"You know," she bit her lip before continuing. "If you have any worries, don't hesitate to talk with us, okay? We will always be by your side," she reassured and saw the tips of Yerim's lips curl up.

"The same goes for you, you know?" Yerim stated as she turned to Seulgi who had a confused expression on her face.

"I tell you guys everything, don't I?" she asked.

"Seulgi," Yerim said, pausing a little bit and thinking of how to continue her sentence. "I've seen the packets you've been hiding in your drawers," she said slowly, almost unsurely.

Seulgi's eyes widened a bit in surprise before she turned her head away and shut her eyes completely.

"You told us you had stopped a long time ago..."

"I know," Seulgi groaned as she hid her face in her hands. "I'm sorry."

"When did you start again?" Yerim asked, her voice full of worry.

"I only smoked once before our comeback..." she trailed off.

"But?" Yerim inquired.

"But it continued after the dating scandal."

Silence took over the living room as both of them didn't know what to express. Hundredths of thoughts were running through both of their minds. Reflecting about how they unfortunately only could think about their own problems, and how they tried to solve them themselves instead of talking about them. Instead of letting each other know and listen to them. Instead of helping each other get through them. Together.

"I'm sorry," Yerim quaked after a few minutes. "You did it because of us. You wanted us to have a taste of success. You wanted us feel that our hard work had paid off. But because of that you had to face so much hate when you already had so many worries."

"And I'm sorry that you felt like you couldn't tell us about the IV drips in fear of worrying us even more." Seulgi added before deciding to sit up on the sofa, and Yerim did the same.

Without uttering any other words, both of them immediately hugged each other. Letting the hug in some way tell the words and feelings they couldn't express to each other. Reassuring each other that they would stick through thick and thin no matter what happened. Reassuring that they wouldn't be keeping any more secrets and not letting the fear of worrying the other be the reason of hiding their feelings or worries.

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