Chapter 12

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Seungwan leaned over to Joohyun who sat in the seat in front of her, causing the leader to take out her earbuds. "Is she asleep?" Seungwan whispered to her. Joohyun frowned a little until Seungwan gestured for her to look forward. She then lifted her head to look at Seulgi and Yerim sleeping peacefully at the front.

"They're both asleep," she said.

"Are you sure Seulgi is?" Seungwan asked her.

"Yeah," she answered and furrowed her eyebrows. "Why?"

"We need to address the elephant in the room." Sooyoung then told her as she joined their conversation.

"And that is?" Joohyun asked her, completely oblivious to what her two members were trying to tell her.

"There is definitely something going on between her and Taeyong," Sooyoung immediately stated and Joohyun let out a chuckle.

"Of course there is, they still hate each other's guts," she pointed out and was about to put on her earphones, not feeling like joining the girls' gossip.

"No, there is something positive going on between her and Taeyong," Sooyoung then explained, resulting in Joohyun dropping her earphones on her lap. She shot Sooyoung a look and stayed quiet for a small moment.

"What have I missed?" she then asked, now wanting to know more about the gossip the girls had.

"If you stopped ignoring our late night talks you would know," Seungwan remarked before taking out her phone and showing Joohyun a picture.

"What is this supposed to mean?" Joohyun mumbled as she narrowed her eyes, "I don't get it."

"Look," Sooyoung spoke as she pointed at the picture. "This is Seulgi's phone, alright? Now look-"

"You went through her phone?" Joohyun interrupted her and gave Seungwan a disappointing look.

"No!" Seungwan defended herself. "That girl has like ten numbers in her code and I don't have time to try and figure it out!"

"Then what are you trying to tell me?"

"Listen, she left her phone on the table and it wouldn't stop buzzing, alright?" Seungwan began explaining and Joohyun nodded as she listened closely.

"So I got up and was about to turn off the sound, but then I saw a message from someone where it said 'I'll see you later.' And then this person sent 'Sweet dreams'. And I thought that it could've been Youngho who was texting her or something. But guess what?"


"I looked at the name, and it said TY. That picture is just proof."

"TY?" Joohyun questioned. "Are you sure it isn't Taeyeon or someone else?"

"Didn't you read the card Taeyong sent her before? It read TY so of course this TY is Taeyong. And the guys always tease him with the 'TY track'. Besides, Seulgi has Taeyeon saved as 'Taeyeon Unnie' with a lot of hearts in her contacts." Sooyoung explained.

"But why would they be texting each other?" Joohyun muttered, confused as ever. "Didn't they just have that argument? And didn't she tell us how much she hated him just a few days ago?"

"That's what makes it even weirder. However, we found out that they had a schedule together two days. They were practicing for their dance collab for MAMA." Seungwan told her.

"So they must've talked about their relationship or something like that," Sooyoung added.

"Well, even if I don't like the idea, maybe they made up and became friends? I don't know," Joohyun shrugged.

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