The Future

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Third Person
"The villain goes by the name of Shifter he has a cloaking quirk that allows him to shape shift into anyone as long as he's holding something that belongs to that person. Along with that he stole a device that allows anyone to travel through any space and time." Future Bakugou explained to everyone. "So why do you want to kill him again? It seems pretty extreme to want to kill him if he just stole some teleporting device." Todoroki asked. He glanced over at Deku before answering. "Like I said before icyhot it's personal. So who's coming with me to find this guy?"

"Why should we help you!?" Everyone turned to look at the other red eyed blonde. "You didn't tell us what the future is like so why the fuck should we help you if we don't know what's at stake?!" Future Bakugou just scoffed. "You want to know what's at stake huh?Okay follow me." Future Bakugou said and walked out of the class. All the students quickly got up and followed him.

"Oi Deku." The blonde said while grabbing the greenette's arm. "Yes Kacchan?" "Do you trust that guy?" "You do know that guy is you right?" "Yeah but he was talking about killing someone. I mean yeah I'll rough somebody up until their a bleeding mess but killing seems a little too extreme." "Yeah I'm pretty worried about that but maybe we can talk him out of it?" "I'm not so sure he seems really fucking determined to kill that guy, something really terrible must have happened to me if it's driving me to commit murder." "hmm maybe we can ask future you about it later now let's get back to the others!" Deku said and grabbed Bakugo's hand and dragged him outside where everyone is standing next to the portal.

"Alright since you all want to know what's at stake step through the portal." Everyone looked at each other unsure whether or not to go in. "It won't harm us or anything right?" Sero asked. "It's perfectly safe,trust me there's nothing to worry about." Future Bakugou told them. "Ugh you extras are taking too long just fucking go in already!" "Well why don't you go first then Bakugou." Momo said. "I fucking will!" He marched up to the portal and without any hesitation stepped inside.

Bakugou's pov
Once I stepped through the portal I was meet with the sight of a lab. There were people on computers,some testing robotic stuff,and others were just moving around with stacks of paper in their hands. 'What is this place?' I then felt someone grab my hand. I turned my head to see Deku there looking at everything in awe. 'Damn he looks cute.'

I heard the other extras start to ooh and awe at everything too. "Yeah it's pretty impressive I guess but why don't you extras look at those monitors over there." Future me said while pointing to some screens on the wall. Everyone walked over to them to get a closer look and I'm pretty sure we all thought the same thing.

'The city looks awful.'

On the screens is live feed on what's happening in town. Most of the shops and houses looked abandoned with broken windows, damaged roofing, and vines growing off of them. The park was deserted and the equipment was busted. The beach was littered with trash, there was even some floating in the water.

Something then caught my eye. On one of the screens in the corner a store is being broken into and on another a building is on fire. "Oi! Shouldn't you go and help them!" I yell at future me. "Huh? Why should I?" 'WHY!?' "Aren't you a hero Bakugou san ribbit?" The frog girl asked. He just blinked at us before chuckling. "W-What's so funny?" Round face asked. "Ha sorry I just forgot about that dream I used to have. Brings back some good memories though." He mumbled that last part with a frown on his face. "Wait so I'm not a hero." I say in disbelief. "Nope. I kinda dropped out of U.A. and gave up on that dream after what happened actually a lot of us did..." 'I can't believe this I'm not a hero. All I've ever wanted was to be number one, now I can't even hope for that since I'm not a hero! What the hell happened to me!?'

I felt someone grab my hand again. I look up to see Deku there giving me a small smile. "Umm future Kacchan can you tell us why you gave up on wanting to be a hero and why the town looks like a mess?" Deku asked future me. Future me just looked at him and bit his lip. "Well for starters a lot changed after what happened like U.A. doesn't exist anymore, the league of villains have taken over, All Might is gone due to that fight with All For One which also made most of the heroes quit being heroes. "What about me dropping out of U.A?" I asked making him look over at Deku then looking down at his hands. "I dropped out because...because..." "Bakugou! Your back! We managed to track the device to oh whats with all these kids?" A girl with short dark brown hair tied into a ponytail, pink goggles on the top of her head, and wearing a lab coat said while running up to future me.

Third Person
"Oh umm round face you remember our old classmates right?" Future Bakugou said. The lady's eyes grew wide and she covered her mouth with her hand. "Is he here?" She whispered to future Bakugou who just nodded his head. She then scanned the crowd of kids looking for someone in particular. Once she spotted them her eyes started filling up with tears. "DEKU!" She yelled and ran up to hug the very confused boy. "Umm hi? W-who are you?" She pulled away from the hug so he can see her face. "*sniff* It's me Uraraka. I've missed you so much!" She said and pulled him into another hug.

"Wait round face what were you saying earlier?" Future Bakugou questioned future Uraraka who is still hugging Deku. "Huh? Oh right!" She let go of deku and went back over to future Bakugou. "Okay so Tsu-Chan and I were able to locate where Shifter teleported to we are working on trying to open up the portal right now." "Great let me know when it's ready so I can-." "Hold on a second!" Everyone turned to look at Uraraka. "Am I not a hero either?"she questioned worried laced in her voice. "Sorry past me mom and dad decided It would be best if we didn't go to U.A anymore same with Tsu-Chan's parents." Both girls frowned. "D-did any of us become heroes?" Denki asked. Future Bakugou and Uraraka gave each other a sad look before shaking their heads which in turn crushed everyone's dreams.

"This future fucking sucks! How the hell do we change it!" Bakugou yelled. "Like I said before help me kill this villain and hopefully everything will be better." "Then what the fuck are we waiting for!"
(Word Count) 1215

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