Villain Deku

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"I can't believe I finally saw a Pikachu and you pushed me into the portal!" Denki whined to Katsuki who merely rolled his eyes at the boy. "We have more important things to do than playing with some fucking Pokémon." "But it was a Pikachu and it had a cute little pink bow on its head!" "It's okay dude." Sero said while patting him on his back.

"Are we back in the future?" Uraraka asked while stepping out of the alleyway they transported to and looking out towards the damaged city. Katsuki walked next to Uraraka and looked at the city. "No the future looks way worse than this." He grumbled out. "If it's not the future than where are we? *ribbit*" Tsu questioned. "That's a good questioned frog." Katsuki said while looking at the blinking device but he just shoved it back in his pocket. "Lets fucking find out." Katsuki said and the group followed him down the street.

While walking something flew past them and crashed into the side of a building. The group looked over to see a Bakugou wearing a ripped up hero suit lying in the pile of rubble. "Damn it!" He yelled while shakily getting up and wiping away the blood coming from his mouth. He was about to leave when he noticed the group looking at him. "The fuck?" he mumbled to himself.

"Who the hell are you!" He yelled at the group. "Ugh! I'm sick of hearing that same fucking question!" Bakugou yelled. "Kacchan calm down." Deku said while grabbing his boyfriend's arm to make him stop yelling. "Izuku?" The other Bakugou questioned making Deku and Bakugou look over at him. "You're wearing a U.A uniform." "Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" "Because you're a villain."

"I'm a what!?"

Just then an explosion was heard behind them. "Oh, Kacchan~" A voice sang out creepily through the smoke. "Shit he's back." the other Bakugou grumbled making everyone turn around and get into a fighting stance. "Oh, Kacchan you brought your friends with you how cute." Villain Deku laughed out while walking out of the smoke. He wore a white dress shirt with a black vest on top of it and a black tie.

"Izuku please just listen to me!" other dimension Bakugou yelled out to the greenette. "Come on Kacchan I thought you liked fighting. You used to beat me up all the time!" Villain Deku said while his eyes became a brighter red color. He lifted up his hand and shot a green beam at them which they all managed to dodge.

"Deku why the hell are you a villain in this world!" Bakugou yelled at his Deku. "I don't know why don't you ask other Kacchan!" They both looked at this dimension Bakugou who was checking to see where the evil Deku is.

"Oi me!" The blonde turned around to face his counterpart. "What the hell is wrong with that Deku!?" "What's wrong? Shouldn't you know your me aren't you!?" "What do you mean I should know I've never done anything to make him want to give up his damn dream and become a villain!" "Are you sure? Was your middle school different!?" Before Bakugou could answer Deku blasted apart the wall they were hiding behind.

"Haha I found you Kacchan~" the villain Deku laughed out while walking out of the smoke. "Wait a sec three Kacchan's and another me? What's going on here?" Deku said while glaring at his other dimensions counterparts."I don't know but Izuku you have to trust me!" Other dimension Bakugou (we will call him ground zero from now on) yelled out. "Trust you!? You ruined my life!" He yelled then looked over at the other Deku and Bakugou and smirked.

He extended his arm out in his counterparts direction. "Other me why don't you join me?" "J-join you!?" "Deku would never be a villain like you!" Bakugou and Katsuki both yelled while stepping in front of Deku. "Oh come on me you can't tell me that your actually happy being in school with him?" "But I am happy being with Kacchan!" Deku yelled at his villainous self while grabbing hold of Bakugou's hand and squeezing it tight.

Villain Deku frowned and put his hand down. "What about all those times he humiliated us and beat us up for fun! All the times we tried to be nice to him but instead, he just stepped all over us and screamed in our faces saying will never be a hero that we're useless!" "He didn't mean any of it! I should know he apologized to me!" That made the villain Deku's eyes grow wide before they narrowed and then became a brighter red color. "I never got an apology." He said through gritted teeth while lifting his hand up. "Instead I was told to jump off a building! And I did!" He screamed and let out multiple blasts that they had to dodge.

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