They meet their soulmate

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He never expected to meet you there, right in that moment. He had been feeling nervous for the interview, but he thought it was just because it was his first solo interview. It was when he walked into the room, that he knew something was different. It was you. You were a fairly young interviewer and this was your first big interview. You were already sitting on your spot, when he walked in. Your eyes made contact immediately and both of you felt all these different emotions. Mark would be more quiet than usual, yet he would try to talk as much as possible. Not just the camera crew knew something was going on between you two, no, the whole internet was talking about the tension that was between you two. Mark wouldn't have given you his number, but would be pushed by the other members (mainly Jackson) to go back to your office and ask for your number.


It was at one of their performances, that you guys met. You had been forced by your best friend to join them to the performance and since you didn't have anything else to do you decided to just join them. Little did you know that you would bump into the love of your life... It was before the show started. You were rapidly looking for a quiet space, since you weren't feeling it anymore. It might had something to do with the fact that you saw your ex in the room. You were freaking out and running without looking. Jaebum was just walking around, waiting for the show to start when you bumped into him. Both of you fell on the floor, you laying on top of him. He was confused, but when he saw the panic and sadness in your eyes, he softly asked if you were okay. He would take you backstage and perform his best performance yet, and afterwards he would ask if you wanted to do something next week.


He was angry when you guys met. Everyone knows that you should hide when he gets mad. But it was different because of you. A simple discussion between GOT7 had quickly escalated into a full blown argument. He had left the practice room raging from anger, but it all changed when his eyes met yours. You were a simple intern at JYP Entertainment and were making your way to a meeting, when Jackson had entered the hallway, slamming the door behind him. You immediately stopped, scared that he would get angry at you. But instead, when he realized that you were standing there, his eyes softened into a smile. He sighed, and then apologized for being loud. He quickly went on by saying that he normally didn't lose his temper that fast, and finished it off by winking and asking for your number.


He was sitting at the corner of the cafe you worked in. Every couple of minutes, fans would show up and ask him for pictures. You had seen his annoyance grow every time, and when a new group of giggling girls entered the cafe you acted without thinking. "The cafe is closed." you said, anger clearly showing in your voice. Didn't they know better? Even idols need their space. "W-what? B-but we just qui-" one of the girls started to say, but had already pushed them out of the cafe. When you had slammed the door shut, and turned around, you realized what you had actually just done. "You didn't need to do that." you heard a male voice say. You looked at Jinyoung. "But thank you." he quickly added. You showed a small smile. "Why don't you join me, now that you don't have any customers to serve anyway?"


You had just gotten a new job at the pet store. The day had gone by boringly and slow, until a literal sunshine entered the store. You were standing behind the counter with your head resting on your arms. You were tired and wanted to go home, but when the door opened you forced yourself to look up and force a smile on your face. When Youngjae saw you forcing a smile, he quickly rushed to the counter. "A-are you okay? You look a bit pale... Are you getting enough rest? I am so sorry for disturbing you- You know what? I don't really need anything." he would quickly say, stumbling over his own words. As quickly as he entered, he would leave the store again. Your cheeks were flushed by the attention you had received and you laughed quietly. He would become a regular customer, until he had the balls to ask you out.


He was staring into the mirror, deciding whether or not the shirt looked good on him. It was his free day and he decided to go shopping quickly before going to Yugyeom's place to watch a movie. You were shopping as well, originally with your friend, but she got too distracted with her boyfriend showing up in the store. "It looks good. You could pair it with dark blue jeans and you could finish it up with a scarf or- or maybe some big jewelry..." you told him as you appeared out of nowhere in front of him. "Wow- That actually sounds pretty dope..." he said, glancing into the mirror one last time before bringing his focus to you. When he saw you, he quickly felt his heart go wild. "And wow, you look beautiful. Are you maybe free, today?" he would ask, a big grin on his face.


You guys met at a christmas party. Jackson was a good friend of yours, but you never met the other members because of their busy schedules. You had been looking forward to the party and you dressed up nicely. When you arrived, you saw that GOT7 were all wearing christmas onesies (except Jinyoung, he was dressed in a red suit looking grumpy at the other crackheads). Even though all of the members looked cute, the tall reindeer caught your attention immediately. Yugyeom, the tall reindeer who caught your attention, wasn't able to look away from you either and was mesmerized by the way you laughed and talked. He was too shy to act though, and so were you. Jackson set you guys up on a date, since he saw the chemistry between you two. Both of you confessed your fellings for each other at the end of the date.

original reaction by @linagotsvn on instagram

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