How they are in bed [18+]

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-so caring, is careful to never hurt you

-soft, sensual kisses

-teases you till you're practically begging

-long and slow strides

-worshipping your body

-would want to be in control most of the time

-your leg is resting on his shoulder

-his breathing is heavy, you feel it hot in your ear

-loves hearing you moan his name

the next morning:

-he'd wake up and make you both breakfast

-cuddle you the whole day


-kinky af

-little kisses and bites here and there

-the quiet ones are the wildest ;)

-his face is damp with sweat

-fast and out of rythm

-has you pinned down, his face in the crook of your neck

-whispers dirty comments in your ear

-a switch, loves having you assert your dominance on him

-wouldn't mind using toys on you

the next morning:

-turns back into a complete softie

-blushes and giggles remembering the night before


-the sweetest man ever, so respectful

-won't stop reminding you how much he loves you

-big fan of foreplay/oral

-loves watching you go crazy, lots of eye contact

-movements are slow and hypnotising

-is not afraid to be vocal, softly grunts in your ear

-gives you hickeys everywhere

-your bodies close, tangled together

the next morning:

-cuddles you to death

-kisses over the marks he made last night


-looks gentle but is rough at night

-lots of smirking while admiring your body

-sensual, wet kisses

-into nicknames ;)

-hums with pleasure into your ear

-slow pace, he loves teasing you

-his hands moving up and down your body

-loves having you on top of him

-seeing your facial expressions drives him crazy

the next morning:

-brings you breakfast in bed

-stares at you, thinking back to last night



-a sub for sure (A/N: Tbh I personally think he's a big ass dom, but ok...)

-he'd be the one moaning and groaning

-sloppy kisses against your lips

-sloppy pace as well, he loses control

-whispers seductively in your ear

-with him, you get what you give, pleasures you equally, making sure you know exactly how he feels with you

-so much loving and taking care of you

the next morning:

-big warm morning hugs

-little soft kisses everywhere


-surprisingly quite gentle

-finds a way to make you smile or giggle, making the experience all the more special

-his facial expressions show you how much he loves it

-can't stop kissing you, anywhere

-controlled at first, but eventually gets sloppier and faster

-a tease, likes hearing you beg

-lip biting

the next morning:

-you wake up, your limbs tangeled with his

-lazy mornings, lying around in bed and make outs


-loves receiving soft kisses and licks

-wants toshow his dominance, but doesn't mind you taking the lead once in a while

-likes holding your curves

-deep strokes and low growls/grunts

-he likes taking his time on you

-is also careful not to hurt you, softly runs his hands up and down your body

-loves playing with your boobs

the next morning:

-makes sure you're not hurt and feeling okay

-literally the most caring, a shy softie

original thread by @gotsvnfics on instagram

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