When you drunkenly confess to them (they like you back)

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Drunk texting was something you never wanted to do but on this particular night, your fingers went against your wishes. You ended up sending Jae misspelled words that were difficult to understand, thankfully he didn't know what the jumbled letters meant. He called you to find out where you were and rushed over the second you told him. "Yah~ Jaebummie!" You chirped before he pulled you away from the prying eyes of all-intentioned bystanders. He'd start to scold you once you both were in the car. "What the hell are you doing, Y/N?" You looked over at him with your eyebrows raised before taking a deep breath. "Regretting so many life decisions right now." You'd begin to laugh but stop when you noticed Jaebum  wasn't finding anything humorous. "Aww, cheer up buttercup!" "No! Y/N, what the hell were you thinking? Going out drinking at a bar you've never been to before? Not to mention you were alone!" "Oh my god, chill. It's not like you're my boyfriend anyway." You mumbled the last part thinking it hurt you more than him. "And I don't have the courage to change that so can I just go home?"

Jaebum would be so surprised, he wouldn't know what to say. He'd take you home but he'd make sure to stay with you all night and talk about things in the morning. He would have to resist the urge to sleep in your bed and keep you warm.


Once he finally got you laid down on the couch, Mark walked into your kitchen to grab you some water while mumbling profanities. He hated when you'd get this drunk and he would never understand why you did it to yourself. He loved you more than you'd ever know so he hated to see you in pain the next morning. When he kneeled beside you to try and help you drink the refreshing liquid, you began to giggle. "What?" he asked with an underlying annoyance. "Yah~ This is funny." you mumbled, earning a confused look from Mark. "We are n-nothing more than friends and you wanna know why? Because I don't have the guts to t-tell you..." 

"Tell me what?" 

"How much I love you? duh~"

Mark would be at a loss of words as you slurred your statement. He wouldn't want to talk about it further until you were in the right state of mind but holy fuck, he would be giddy as hell and couldn't wait until he could hold and kiss you.


He is totally up for a good time but when you could barely walk because of all the alcohol you'd drank, he wasn't having much of a "good time". He wanted to get you home so you could rest but you had other plans. After a game of cat and mouse, Jackson finally got you to the car. The whole ride home was random conversations...with yourself. Every once in a while you'd hear him giggle at your dorkiness. "Aa~ I love your laugh." you sighed while growing sleepy. "I bet." He'd smile as he turned the wheel. "Well, damn. If we're being honest, I love a lot about you." you shot up and looked at him. He'd let out breathy smirk, "Oh really, like what?" "Everything." You relaxed back into the leather seat. "I just love you so much but I can't tell you because I don't want you to go away."

He would smile soo big and give you his heart-eyes. "I'd never go away, Y/N" he'd whisper to you. He's loved you since forever and you finally confessed. Unintentionally but you confessed. That's all he needed to be in a great mood for the next few weeks.


You weren't answering his calls or texts which made him worry so much. You always replied, so he made a decision and decided to stop by your apartment and see if you were okay. All he found was a wasted version of his crush singing on her living room floor. His nervousness disappeared as he approved your body, relieved that you're okay. "Y/N, what are you doing?" He'd giggle as he kneeled down beside you and moved some hair out of your face. "Aa~ Jinyoung! You're here~" "Yeah, why don't you relax for a while?" he'd suggest. "Can we cuddle? I'd like to cuddle with you~ Have I told you how much I like you because I really do."

His eyes went wide before saying you hadn't told him. He wouldn't be able to stop the growing smile as you went on about everything you loved about him. He would be so damn giddy and he'd make sure you knew about this in the morning.


He would hate it when you got drunk because he never liked seeing you so helpless and vulnerable, especially to your own thoughts. He felt like he needed to protect you in these moments. Finally he had enough of listening to your off pitch, drunk singing as you laid on your kitchen floor with your drink. "Okay, Y/N, let's get you to bed." he'd utter, surprising you with how annoyed he sounded. "Aww...I thought you loved my singing." you'd pout. "I do. When you're sober." he stated before he lifted you from the ground. "Okay, okay just w-wait, I have a special song for you." After you heard an exaggerated sigh from Youngjae, you began to sing a cheesy love song. He didn't think much of it until you looked at him dearly and said how much you really do love him.

Youngjae would be so shook and wouldn't know what to do. He'd end up laying you to bed while screaming internally (with joy of course). He wouldn't leave you alone tho and he couldn't stop smiling.


When he asked you if you wanted to go for a few drinks with him and the guys, he didn't think you would get as drunk as you are. He'd take you home, making sure you were okay and in your cozy bed. Once he wrestled your shoes off, he covered you with the duvet. "Hey Bammie?" you mumbled as you snuggled into the bed. "Yeah? What's wrong?" he'd rush, worried he did something wrong. "I am not nearly sober enough to say I love you, but dude, I love you." He'd laugh at your statement and give you a simple reply. "I love you too dude." Unsatisfied with his reply, you made yourself clearer, "No, no, not as a friend, yah dummy. I love you so much more than that~"

He would be dazed for a minute or two before he came back to reality, smiling so big his cheeks would begin to hurt. He's waited so long to hear that from you that he wouldn't be able to stop himself from hugging you very tightly.


He didn't even know you went out with your friends so he was beyond confused when you began texting him mixed up letters that seemingly had no context. He'd attempt to ask you where you were but but he couldn't get a straight answer so he called one of your friends hoping they'd be a bit more sober. When he found out where your friends took you, he felt obligated to take you home since your friends were obviously still having fun. He'd walk you home and keep you close. "Yugyeomie, you're so sweet." You'd smile at him. "And you're so drunk." he'd giggle back at you, loving how affectionate you were. "I really really like Yugyeomie. Like, I wanna date him, okay?" you muttered aloud as if he wasn't standing next to you.

Yugy would get so flustered and giddy. he's liked you since the day you met and he has been dreaming of this moment since then. Yes, he'd prefer you to be soberbut he would be hella determined to make you confess in the morning.

I'm not sure who originally wrote these reactions, but I found them on @defsdw page on Instagram.

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