them as badass

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- jaw jutting and lip biting
- is actually a hottie thottie
- people would be willing to give their life because of how good he looks, I mean imagine him all sweaty and staring at you
- "looks like someone needs some teaching, yeah?"
- wouldn't even hesitate to kill his enemies and watch their blood flowing out
- only nice to his family and yeah you


- damn man he's wild
- a short tempered man
- would use his good looks
- he's not the type that would let people go easily
- man I had a thought that he has a belt kink
- just don't break his rules bro
- is actually a softie around his loved one


- fools people with his sweet smile and angelic look
- smirks whenever someone begs him to let them go
- "aye, it's too early to leave, let me have some fun, yeah?"
- he'll be all sweaty and blood comes down from his lips when he's done (sounds like he's a vampire but he ain't sksksk)
- yeah his hands are so veiny that he can choke them till they yeah die, even idk
- "always give me what I want"


- man first of all you messed with the wrong one
- would give them a gentle look before actually taking them
- "did you get them? bring them here."
- would caress their cheeks and giving out those words before killing them
- "why did you disobey and don't listen to me?"


- y'all out there would trust him
- and y'all thought he's nice sjsjsjsw boo boo you fool
- lips biting and hair pulling
- his hair is probably gonna be messy after he's done with his work (dang he's actually hot)
- "are you regretting your decision now?"


- would actually dab before hurting his enemies
- he ties you up with chains instead of ropes
- would bite on his necklace
- uses a knife to write "double b" on his enemies once they're...dead
- "huh I think it's better for you to keep quiet now"


- he's so giant that he won't ever have to do anything to scare y'all
- would stare at you with his shining eyes before doing his work
- he's a gentleman and wouldn't want to hurt a girl
- smiling sweetly is his key
- "now you have to listen to me, yeah?"

original reaction by @beommiebaby on instagram

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