Chapter 2

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Chapter 2: Dungeon Crawling and First Boss Fight

A/N: Alright, not much to talk about minus the fact that, any questions I get PM'd will be answered along with reviews (this is namely done so to annoy people who cant see what you asked, cause i find it very entertaining).

Anyways, on with the reviews.

aspire5515: I find solace in that you have that kind of faith in my work.

AmaterasuAlaya: Hey, i dont plan on making them (too) broken.

PERORONCINO: glad you find it interesting.

Unlimited Cookie Works: i'm glad you find this interesting too.

(PM) GoldenFire 215: it may or may not, I haven't decided yet.

(PM) Gashadokuro Amanojaku: you PM'd 880 words to me, wow you have some time on your hands, alright lets see if i can do this...
1. What the character will do will become more apparent by chapter 5, the first four are to set a base for the character, and i plan to introduce the main reason (possibly subtly) in chapter five, as to the other points most is explained in this or the next chapter.

2. To be fair, a friend suggested the idea of 'style of gamer' so i could do a different system while also explaining what will be different, with less quest she will be more interested in completing them when they come as the rewards will be high. and magic system would of locked her out of certain types of magic.

3. Okay, you have a fair point, i didnt really understand Origin, but i read online that because Shirou has an affinity and origin for sword he was able to menafest the unlimited blade works within his mind, which with his reality marble can be brought out to the real world in the form of a pocket dimension (not sure if that's true, but i just went with my knowledge on it at that moment and rolled with it).

On the affinity of energy, 'Energy creation' is a skill that requires different amounts of MP to recreate elements she comes in contact with, exchanging Mana to create pure energy's like fire and lightning.

You cant increase the quality of Magic circuits? i've read fanfictions where people with the gamer could so i just thought that was the case when it comes to gamers...

Anyway, thats it for reviews and PMs, so i hope you enjoy the chapter.

Last Time on Fate of a Gamer

She looks confused and taps onto her Magic Circuits, wondering why they were so bad in quality...

Magic Circuits are a pseudo-nervous system that spreads itself through the human body and what qualifies a person to be a magus Their normal functions are to act as paths that convert life force into magical energy, but humans learned how to control it and use it to perform mysteries.

E Rank: Magic Circuits x2 = Total MP
D Rank: Magic Circuits x4.5 = Total MP
C Rank: Magic Circuits x7.5 = Total MP
B Rank: Magic Circuits x10 = Total MP
A Rank: Magic Circuits x14 = Total MP
A+ Rank: Magic Circuits x18 = Total MP
A++ Rank: Magic Circuits x24 = Total MP
EX Rank: Magic Circuits x40 = Total MP

"Ah... That explains that... probably to make it so i have to train in order to do the bigger stuff..." she says uncaringly, before her vision fades to white...

Chapter 2: Dungeon Crawling and First Boss Fight

It was Roughly around six in the morning when a girl with semi-long blonde hair and blue eyes woke up suddenly and looked around her room in surprise.

She sighs before getting up and looking into a mirror in her room.

"Hmm... shorter hair and younger... but everything is mostly the same... I'd say I'm around, 14 in this body?" she sighs, she didn't have an INT or WIS stat to go up to prove her right...

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