Chapter 8

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Chapter 8: A Good Fight and Material Hunting

A/N: Lets just get to the reviews.

*sighs* LastPenis: well sorry for putting effort into it...

The OrangeLord: Ah, I don't play much Final Fantasy, sorry

Kuma098: I'm glad someone else likes Touhou music like I do.

Guest: 1) Perk system is used, but the perk points are used to upgrade skills(force levelling)/gain traits and other things like that. 2) ... How did you know?

Last time on Fate of a Gamer
Jeanne wakes up in the void with her head on Manus's lap, the two smile at each other before they talk about life some more, and also talk about their likes, dislikes, hobbies and other things like that, the two were becoming rather close friends.

Jeanne smiles as they play Mario Kart, and she was kicking Manus's ass, but let her win a few games, if only barely.

then Jeanne decides to ask a random question.

"Hey Manus, how strong are you?" the sudden question confused Manus before she spoke her answer...

Chapter 8: A Good Fight and Material Hunting

Jeanne wakes up from her sleep before yawning slightly, she looked at the time and saw it was around 5 in the morning, if she got ready for school now, she could leave and possibly do some item hunting for her Broken Bow.

"Twenty Scorched Iron, five half an inch thick metal wire, and a ton of MP..." she mutters to herself, MP and Scorched Iron was simple, she already saw a scorched dungeon, so she could probably find some there, or at least melt down the swords there for it.

The MP was more simple, just eat a crap ton, probably go to McDonalds and spend like... $500.00 on food? because of the gamer she could eat infinity, so theres always that...

"How the hell do I get something as specific as half an inch thick metal wire...? thats an insane type of thickness that's twice as much as the thickest type of metal wire..." she thinks for a moment before getting an idea, if she could get Alteration she could possibly just take a bunch of wire and alter it to be half an inch thick... sounds somewhat easy...

Now the problem of how to get Alteration...

She tried recalling anything about it and all she got was 'the imbetween of Reinforcement and Projection'...

She sighs, "This is going to be my morning instead, isn't it...?" and with that she got to work.

She tried Reinforcing while trying to move it like she would with her projections, nothing.

She tried instead of moving, adding onto it, making something larger was also considered an alteration, right? nope, nothing.

Stopping for a moment before getting an idea.

She goes to the store, which also seemed to have a visual update, neat, and looks up Alteration.

[Alteration - Active]
Allows one to alter the shape of an object to any other shape, changes depend on skill level
- LV1: can change the shape, but not get rid or add mass.
- LV50: can change the shape and size, but must resemble the original slightly
- LV100: can change the shape, size, and materials of an object, allowing one to turn a mass of materials into weapons

Cost: $75,000.00 AUD


She needed this badly...

She could afford it too, but it cut so much into her mone-

And she bought it...

And learned it.

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