Chapter 3

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Chapter 3: Zombie Hunting and Being Blunt

A/N: Alright, since i seem to be able to pump these out within a few days instead of a week, i'll be uploading two chapters a week, which will now come out on sunday's and thursdays, other then that, nothing new, on to reviews.

Allhailthesith: Yea, I'm glad you like the abilities, i spent quiet awhile making every skill like it is.

C-07713-G7M3: Thanks for the complament on both parts.

(PM) Gaoshadokuro Amanojaku: *decided to answer in PM cause of another incredibly long one*

Last time on Fate of a Gamer
She didnt find much, some swords she traced into her Unlimited Blade works that simply existed to fill in her almost empty Reality Marble, some leather armour she wouldn't bother with, as it barely gave any defence, and about... 500 Gold, converted into Australian dollars is around $2,300.

The amount of Pocky she could buy...

She exits the dungeon and walks home, having fully healed from that whole mess.

She gets back at around 11:30, ate lunch and passed right the fuck out onto her bed and fell into bliss sleep.


Chapter 3: Zombie Hunting and Being Blunt

In a Black void, Manus watches over her friend before she wakes up, "Ah, you woke up, I thought you never would!" Manus hugs her friend by the waist while crying into her lap.

"Calm down Manus, I'm here... how am I here?"

Manus looks directly at her, "You... didn't check that your titles did...?"

Jeanne felt like face palming before checking her two current titles.

[Ally of The Void - Allows one to visit The Void while they sleep, and for 10,000 MP can summon the Entity within the Void, Manus, to destroy all before them.]

[Wielder of Cross-Calibur - The Cross-Calibur recognises you as it's Wielder, and wont hinder you when wielding it]

Ah, that would explain it...

"Wait, I can summon you?!" Manus nods, "Yes, sadly it wont be until the later leve-" "Uh, I got Altereactor, which can store an infinite amount of Mana, which means I could save up and just straight out summon you like... in a weeks time at most, few days minimum."


"How did you get such an over powered Trait?!"


The two talk with each other and play games for a couple hours before she felt a pull as the Void faded to white and Manus was waving at her.


She get's woken up at around 5:00 PM, she looks to see a woman with long brown hair and blue eyes looking over her in worry, she just smiles weakly before getting out of bed.

"Jeanne, are you alright sweetie?" She looks at the woman she assumed was her mother here, and nodded slightly with a bored look on her face.

"Well, Dinner will be ready in an hour, so why don't you enjoy yourself?" Jeanne shrugs before glancing above her mother

Isabelle Skylark LV3
Mother of The Gamer

'Seems about right, barely sense any energy from her... wait, I can sense energy?' she waited a moment before her mother left and a pop up appeared.

Due to a special action, you've gained [Energy Sense].

[Energy Sense - LVMAX - Passive]
A skill that will give you a rough estimate on a persons energy reserves compared to The Gamers.
- Can Sense 200 to 3,000 MP from a person

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