Chapter 12: Harry

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-Two Months Later-

"Alright, Harry. If you can just sign here then the divorce will be final." The lady, Candace, said as I signed the last page of the divorce papers. She smiled when I handed her back the papers. "It was a pleasure working with you Mr. Styles. I hope you meet a good guy for you and your son."

"I did." I said, giggling as I pointed as to Liam, who was playing with Ashton in the corner where the legos were at.

"He seems like a wonderful guy. Plus he's good-looking." She said, winking. I giggled, nodding.

I thanked her again before leaving. Liam and I have been dating for the past two months, making Ashton and I very happy. Ash loved Liam as his father because Liam would always play with him and take him to go get ice cream. I loved that Liam treated Ashton as his own kid, but I really wanted a baby with Liam. I miss being pregnant because I could feel the baby kicking in my stomach. Speaking of which, I haven't been feeling the best. I've been throwing up in the mornings and eating more than I normally do.

"You alright, baby?" Liam asked as he heard me gasp. 

"C-Can we go to the store real quick?" I asked, scared. I needed to get a pregnancy test to make sure if I'm pregnant or not. 

"Sure babe." Liam said, driving towards the nearest store. "Do you want me to go in with you?"

"No. I'll be fine." I said, getting out of the car and walked into the store. I went towards the aisle that had the condoms, pregnancy tests, and lube. I grabbed three different tests before paying for them.

I ran back to the car and got in, buckling up. I didn't talk back to Liam as he asked me if I was alright again. I just kept biting my lip as different scenarios kept going through my mind. Would Liam leave me and Ashton if I was pregnant?

As soon as we pulled up into the driveway I picked up Ashton and walked beside Liam as we went inside the flat. I set Ash down and watched as he went to play with his toys. 

"I'll be right back, Li-Li." I said, pecking his lips. He nodded, smiling at me.

I went to the bathroom and locked the door, taking a deep breath as I pulled the pregnancy tests out of the box. I pulled down my zipper and pulled my d*ck out as I peed on the bristle part of the test. When I used all three of them I put the caps back on. I sat on the toilet seat and waited five minutes before the little alarm went off on the tests. I grabbed the first test and looked at it with fear. My eyes widened when it said positive. I looked at the other two tests and gasped, feeling tears falling down my face. I was pregnant. How was I going to tell Liam? Will Liam leave me?


Sorry for the long wait. 




My Savior (Lirry Stayne/Zarry Stalik Mpreg) © 2014 Katt ✔️Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant