Chapter 5

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"I connected with my grandfather again. But this time, it was different." I said.

"Is that why you ran to the restroom?" said Minerva.

"Yeah. It felt like I was electrocuted with cold and hot shocks of lightning. My mark glowed so bright it lit up the whole restroom ten times brighter and somehow, I think it caused my eyes to go blank and light up like my mark. It was--"

"What??!! All of that happened to you??!! Did it hurt??" said Minerva.

"Well, it did for a while, but suddenly, images started to flash in my mind..."

"Images? What images?" said Minerva.

"It was mostly my grandfather fighting a fire elemental somewhere unfamiliar. He looked--"

"A FIRE ELEMENTAL???!!!" said Minerva.

"Yeah, that's how I reacted too. I never knew they existed until the visions," I said.

"Why do you think you saw those things?" said Minerva.

"I don't know. It all started when I was about to approach the beauty..."


Minerva can get a little too hotheaded and jumpy sometimes.

"Calm down Minerva. She didn't 'do' anything. But I do have a theory on all of this. As much as I hate this, I think the beauty could be a--"

"--a fire elemental?" said Minerva.

"How'd you know I was gonna say that?" I said.

"She just seemed to have a warm aura around her, much like a flame." said Minerva.

"What do you know about 'auras'?" I said.

"Oh, I haven't told you yet. While I was at Karate Camp, I got hit in the head and when I woke up, I started seeing these luminous color around the other campers. Even though I didn't know most of them yet, I felt like I knew what kind of people they were." said Minerva.

"What aura do I have?" I said.

"I don't have to know your aura, I've known you for all my life. Well, if you must know, you've got a light blue aura, along with what I sense as a very flowing energy force; much like running water." said Minerva.

"Well, I am a water elemental."


The bell rings and everyone goes back to their seats. Our College Anthropology teacher comes in and starts the class while my thoughts trail off; thinking about the battle my grandfather fought.


Finally, classes are done for the day. I am glad classes end early.

I was planning to let Minerva have her first taste of cloud surfing, but I don't think it's a good idea to do so with all the new CCTV cameras around the city.

Luckily, my house is only a 10 minute walk away from the school. Minerva walks me home and I invite her to come in.

"Why'd you invite me again?" said Minerva.

"I want to show you my grandfather's old photos and most of his stuff. We keep it in the attic, like he instructed us before he passed away." I said.

"What was your grandfather like, anyway?" said Minerva.

"Well, uhh... I don't know where to start..." I said.

"It's ok, just tell me what you remember."

"He was a rather serious person  most of the time. When he wanted to do something, he'd do it. Aside from that, he's really loving, and funny for an old fellow. He loved me like a son, and I loved him like a second father. Losing him was... devastating." I said.

"I'm so sorry to hear that." said Minerva.

"It's ok; at least I've got a connection with him." I said.

"Yeah, I suppose so. If you don't mind me asking, how did your grandfather die?

"I'm not so sure. All I remember is he died in his sleep. Other than that, I don't know." I said.

"Oh, ok. Thanks for opening up about your grandfather." said Minerva.

"No problem. Let's go to the attic now."

We opened the door to the attic which was beside my bedroom door. We went up the stairs that led to where the attic really was.

My grandfather's stuff was kept in a big, golden-brown treasure box with lace-like decor on the corners. I opened it and I saw his stuff, still neatly arranged.

I pick up his favorite necklace; a blue medallion hung on leather string. For the first time, I notice the markings on the pendant itself. It resembled the mark on my hand. As I touch it, my mark glows for a few seconds. Surprisingly, I didn't feel surprised. Minerva did, exclaiming a little "whoa". I wear the necklace and I feel safer.

I hand over my grandfather's old photo album to Minerva. Every flip of a page was always accompanied by an exclamation.

"Hey, your grandpa was good-looking as a young man..." said Minerva.

"Stop hitting on my grandpa!"

"I'm not"

"Fine, you're not."

As I go through the other things in the box, I notice the blue robe he wore in the battle.

"Wow..." I said.

I also notice a blue book at the very bottom of the box. In gold and gothic letters, the cover read:


Elementals: Setting Fire to the Rain *ON HOLD*Where stories live. Discover now