First change

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I pulled up outside my house and smiled at my baby girl sat next to me, she'd fallen asleep on the way back and my heart just melted, her pink rosy cheeks pressed against her hand as her new paci bobbed rhymically in her mouth and her soaking wet diaper sat comfortably between her legs. God I loved my new angel. I wanted nothing more than to swaddle her in blankets and breastfeed her.

I decided to get everything in the house before getting her in, thankfully my parents were now at work so I didn't need to worry bout them seeing the things we bought even though I know they won't judge, but probably go along with it. I emptied my car and sighed when I saw my baby again, god she made me so happy! I slowly opened her door and sat next to her.
"Sophie sweetheart, wakey wakey" I said softly and kissed her head, she groaned slightly and sat up. "Hiya nugget, have a nice nap?" I asked, she nodded and smiled around her paci. "You like his don't you baby?, I chuckled and pulled the handle of her paci out, she audibly whined and opened her mouth for it again. Causing me to laugh. "Let's get you inside and you can have it back whilst mummy changes your dirty nappy hmm" I picked her up and rested her soggy nappy on my arm and she rested her head on my shoulder. I honestly think she liked this whole baby thing already! Once we got inside, I went and sat her down on the changing mat I'd aldready laid out but that's when she woke up properly, "no Ellie!" She whined and held her diaper tabs. "Please no," she whined and flicked her legs a little causing me to giggle. "Sweetheart, don't you want out of your messy diaper!" I smirked and stroked her cheek she nodded but whined. "Then what's with the silly baby tantrum huh?" I said and gently pushed her down. "I don't want you to put another one on me." She said and held her tabs firmly down. "But you're just a little baby and babies need to wear nappies don't they?" I smirked again and tickled her belly, knowing she was ticklish. "I'm not a baby!" She shrieked and tried to push my hand away. " I think you areeee" I chuckled and quickly tickled her again, her hands moved from her nappy to try and stop me from tickling her and I attacked, ripping away the tabs and getting a full view of her wet oussy. Sophie just screeched but sighed. "You win."
"I know, now listen to mummy and you can have your paci back," I said and began wiping her down, what shocked me is that she rolled her hips up slightly towards my hand. I decided to ignore it for now but I could see her little pussy beginning to enjoy the cnahgel however she hasn't been well enough behaved yet so I hurried up and quickly taped a new diaper on her!

Sophie's new problemWhere stories live. Discover now