Chapter 2 : Trouble comes New York

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Hey there, second part is out. You're surely gonna like it.

"I thought Loki was punished by the asgardians justice ,Thor" asked Tony

Thor still could not still believe his eyes. He was shaken. He could feel the water slightly coming from his eyes.

"No,No,No.This must a dream or something. I saw him die. I can't forget how Malekith stabbed him right in his chest. I cried for him, I mourned....." Thor said in utter disbelief.

Tony rolled his eyes.

"This is no time for such talks " Said Tony putting his armour on.

     "Avengers Assemble "

On the single call......Everyone, Vision, Wanda,Cap, Tony, Thor and Natasha along with Sam Wilson headed towards the place attacked by The God of Mischief.

When they reached the site, the saw that Loki was laughing demonishly for he was holding the casket of Ancient winters.

The whole Manhattan was seized by the frost giants and frost trolls. New York was looking like Ice age was back again. People were scared and panicked and were hiding behind a broken building far  away from Loki's army.

Many people were being rescued secretly by the S. H. I. E. L. D. Agents. The citizens were afraid because if they got caught, they would get turned into ice statues . There was also a sudden fall in temperature and a hailstorm.

Meanwhile when Avengers came there, They saw the destruction caused by Loki. Frost Monsters everyone.
Frost dragons flying in the sky.

" Loki, brother, stop in the name of Asgard, Please don't spare these innocent Midgardians. Please. I love you"
Thor spoke with pain in his eyes.

"Love, Affection, huh"

said Loki in a mocking way..

"You are a fool ,Thor. I don't care. I do what I want. My army!! Freeze 'em all"

and the frost monsters started heading towards Avengers.

"Now Wanda, do as we practiced" said cap.

Wanda nodded and started attacking the giants with her telekinetic powers.
She sent many of them fflying with the crimson glow.
Falcon and Steve too joined her.  Black widow went to help Shield agents in rescuing citizens.

Meanwhile Iron man, Thor and Vision were coping up with the deadly dragons. There were numerous of them and they threw ice beams instead of fire.
Loki was standing seeing the scene and summoning more and more monsters to the battlefield and laughing

"mere mortals....You all will have to kneel before me"

He summoned to very strong dragons who were rather very big.
They threw ice beams on Iron man and vision and took over them  Captain America and Falcon came to the rescue.

They both attacked Loki at the same time but Loki escaped using a magical spell . He used the casket and locked Cap and Falcon in big pieces of ice growing from ground.
The scenario looked like the replay on 2012 New York attack but with a freeze spell.

This put a satisfied grin on Loki's face for he was winning this time. Thor saw his brother in the battlefield and landed near. He walked towards him with feelings of love and care in his heart . He came from back and touched Loki's shoulder and made him turn towards him.

"Oh hello brother, are you liking it. look at yourself and your mortals"Loki said proudly .

" Loki you need to stop this right now. You can change. I know. I am always by your side, I love you and I always will. " Thor replied holding Loki's cheeks .

But Loki didn't care. He shoved Thor's hands and gave a fishy smile as he stabbed Thor with a dagger. Thor fell on his knees, holding the wound.

Media reporters too reached the place, trying to cover the battle between Avengers and Loki's army.

Loki has took over the Avengers. He has his evil intentions in his mind to take his revenge from Avengers. This time he has took over all of them and he is not listening to anyone. How will Avengers defeat Loki?
We'll see in the next chapter

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