Chapter 5 :Inside Loki's Mind

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Two days passed but Loki didn't show any scope of improvement. Thor could not do thing but pray for wellness of his darling brother.
Meanwhile the Avengers were having a discussion about dealing with villains

Natasha said

" I don't think Loki would be more causing problems for now. He is under our supervision now........ By the way, where's Thor, Wanda please call him here for meeting".

"Ok Natasha"
  Wanda said and went to Thor's floor. She saw that Thor was hugging Loki and tears were falling from his eyes.
Wanda regreted for what she did even if it was for good.

"Thh....Thor please come.... All of them are calling you on the 20 th floor for meeting . "Said Wanda in a fumbling voice

"I won't come. I can't leave my little brother. He will be afraid".
Said Thor holding Loki's hands.

This made Wanda feel grief stricken. She headed towards Thor. As she approached near she sensed a strange aura. A negative aura. She could sense it coming from Loki. It was so powerful that she was pushed back. She screamed.
Thor was startled.

"What happened"

Thor asked to Wanda and held out his hand to help her. Wanda got up and said in a trembling voice

"I... I... I sensed your brothers feelings....I know he is a dream...His aura".

Thor was astonished.

" What did you feel. Can my brother be cured? "

Thor asked with some hope in his eyes.

" He is alright......His injuries are alreadt healing,but he but he isn't mentally prepared. Looks like he doesn't want to come back." Wanda told to Thor.

" I think he is frustrated with his life. He thinks he is not anyone's priority . He is lost in his worst memories.....because I had sent him in a nightmare....normally people come back within half an hour but Loki is not willing to return....He can't come back without someone's support. He is mentally disturbed...".

Thor regreted cause this was true because he never told Loki about his feelings and always neglected him for he had always been a brute.

He always blamed himself for Loki's miserable condition. He just wanted a chance to help his brother.

." Is there any way to help him." Asked Thor."

"Yes I can send your soul there . I will connect your mind to Loki's, but the time is limited. You just have One hour. After one hour, he will go into some another dream, if you get late, then you will get stucked the previous dream forever."
Wanda replied.

Thor agreed
"It's alright, just do it". He said ,impatient to help his brother.

Wanda replied in an affirmative and kept her hand in air, just above Loki's head. Thor held Loki's hand firmly and kissed it,

"You will be alright. Your big brother will save you".

Then A scarlet glow appeared in both of her hand. She placed the other hand on Thor's forehead.

Thor closed his eyes and inside his mind, he could see a portal opening and pulling his soul into it. He went through the entire dark tunnel and suddenly landed on a hard floor. Thor had a crash landing so he groaned as he got up and saw that it was the Asgardian learning hall.

He was in the same classroom where he and Loki used to study. It seemed like the result day. The teacher called Loki first for he had got the highest scores in class .

Thor recollected those memories and he thought. " My brother was the most intelligent person in class. I am proud of you dear. But it's not supposed to be a bad memory. " As he thought of this, the scenario suddenly changed.

Now the scene was of his castle in Odin's chambers when kid Thor and kid Loki were showing him their marks. Odin said seeing Loki's marksheet .

       "Ok Loki, good "

Then he took Thor's marksheet

"Not bad Thor. You can do a little more better. You are perfect. Come with me son".

The kid Thor went with Odin. Kid Loki stared in despair.
" Father....can I also come? "

"No, I didn't ask you, Loki"

Kid Loki was left alone, disappointed. He fell on his knees. He started crying bitterly and tore his marksheet.

Thor who was standing there seeing all these went to kid Loki and hugged him and wiped his tears." No dear Loki. Don't do this. I am not perfect, you are perfect. You are the best little brother."
Thor said and kissed Loki's cheek,but Loki shook his arms and pushed him back.
" Don't tell me lies. I don't need your sympathy. You and father are the reason for all this"

Kid Loki yelled in an angry voice and ran out crying.
Thor chased him and came out of chambers. But Thor saw that kid Loki's dead body was lying on the floor. Blood pouring from his nose and mouth and a dagger stabbed in his chest.

Thor ran to him and took him in his arms weeping"No Loki, forgive me"but the dead body vanished and the scenario changed again.

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