Chapter 9

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Nagan had officially died and gone to heaven.

He couldn't have been happier to see so much food and be able to take as much as he wanted! If it weren't for the stern look from Nurse Marzi, who told him to be easy on his stomach, he would've filled his plate with everything on the menu. Though her remark didn't stop him from taking a few extra bread buns.

The cafeteria was quite crowded due to every student and staff member at Carvolier being there. The staff, however, were lucky enough to have their own table while the students sat snuggly among six long tables. Luckily the boys found an open spot near the middle and next to some senior students who were friendly enough to talk to them. One was wearing green while the others wore blue. Nagan swallowed a spoonful of mashed potatoes.

"I have a question. What do the different colors mean?" He asked no one in particular, but a girl wearing blue in front of him answered swiftly.

"They represent our base magics. Blue is for the dwarns like the three of us," she motioned to herself and two others in the group before pointing to the other member wearing green, "green is for elvas, and red is for drakons."

"And do you typically sit in clusters like this?" Nagan gestured to how three of them were dwarns while the other was an elva. The same pattern seemed to be present at all tables. Chunks of colors with odd splashes of grey.

The elva snorted. "That's quite the observation. But it's for much simpler reasons that you might think," he waved his hand in the air like he was batting away a fly. "It's mostly because by the time you discover your base magic, they separate you into classes with the same color so it's more specific to your aptitude. I just happen to be roommates with one of them, so in turn, I hang out with these hardheads."

The one next to him swatted his arm while the others yelled at him across the table. It was an amusing sight to Nagan and would have laughed along with Az, but a small commotion erupted from behind them. Nagan turned to look.

The students on the other side of Az were rapidly scooting down the table to make room for another boy. The boy didn't look to be much older than them, but he was wearing red instead of grey. Along with that, he had short black hair, bright green eyes, and a smirk that screamed manipulative. Without needing to ask anyone to move — since they've already got out of his way beforehand — he sat down next to Az. The action finally got Az's attention and he greeted the other boy with forced politeness.

"Young Master Honoria," Az inclined his head slightly while Honoria did nothing to return the respect.

"Young Master Arcloven, it's about time you got here," the tone was pleasant, but Nagan couldn't help but think it was an insult. "My mother and I didn't see you earlier today, and we almost had to assume the worst that you haven't shown any magical talents. Well, now that you're here, I can write to her and reassure her that the Arcloven's firstborn can do magic."

That was definitely an insult.

Az seemed to take this very well, however. "Please thank Madam Honoria for me, her concern is appreciated, but I think you forget that you're a prodigy. Anyone developing at a normal pace will look insignificant compared to you."

"You flatter me," Honoria said dully, clearly understanding that Az really meant for him to piss off. He seemed to enjoy getting under people's skin, knowing that they couldn't do anything about it. "But times are changing and rumors are circulating about another war against light and dark magic. I think it's time we expect more out of the larger families. Best not to settle for mediocre."

Az and the Honoria boy went back and forth for a bit, all painfully polite and riddled with insults, especially towards the Arclovens. It made Nagan want to cringe and roll his eyes, and he could tell others around them wanted to do the same. Either that, or give Honoria a good punch in the face. Unfortunately, Nagan's expression might have been too obvious. Honoria caught sight of him and gave him an incredulous look.

"And who are you?" Honoria asked in thinly veiled annoyance.

Great, now I have to play this song and dance. "Nagania Elvar. My apologies, but I don't know who you are, besides being a son of the Honoria family. Care to introduce yourself?"

Using what Madam Arcloven had told him, Nagan was clear on what he wanted to be addressed as. With the phrase "Care to introduce yourself," he had expressed a command. This meant they would address him as a master. Originally, he wasn't planning on ever using this to his advantage, but this kid really rubbed him the wrong way. Besides, it was amusing to see Honoria flounder for a second before looking at him with suspicion.

"My name is Carthadeus Reylark Honoria." Why was everyone's name so long? "Pardon my rudeness, but I think you're bluffing." Carthadeus' glance to one of Nagan's earrings wasn't discrete.

"I come from Nageth Elvar's line."

The table hushed for a moment before the sound of whispering echoed everywhere. Carthadeus took a moment to process all that he heard, and by the sneer that came afterward, Nagan couldn't help but wish he was never noticed in the first place and internally groaned.

"Now it makes sense. I've heard a few stories about that Elvar. Mostly about how he was a wild child to begin with and was disowned by the family when he married a gypsy," he laughed, "And you still have the nerve to claim the name Elvar?"

Barely, Nagan thought irritably. No thanks to you. "Just as much nerve as yourself. It's deplorable how you whittle others down to make others believe you are superior."

Carthadeus' expression darkened while Az looked as if he wanted to be anywhere else besides in between these opposing forces.

With a click of his tongue, Carthadeus stood up and glared down at Nagan. "Watch yourself, Elvar. I've earned my bragging rights while you're just a snake to crush under my boots."

Not even bothering to wait for a reply, Carthadeus stalked out of the room. Whoever was paying attention to the scene let out a collective breath and relaxed again.

"Um..." Az tapped Nagan hesitantly on the shoulder, "You do know who he is, right?"

"Yeah? What of it?" Nagan stated, picking up his now empty plate. Leaving the table to deposit the dirty dish by the kitchen, he walked into the halls, Az right behind him.

"You're walking on thin ice here," he tried to reason.

"And he was walking over everyone else."

Az threw up his hands in exasperation. "That doesn't mean you should go out of your way to anger him! That's exactly what my mother told us not to do! We're also a grade behind him, for goodness sake!"

Knowing that none of this was reaching Nagan, Az calmed down and sighed, "You should've at least made sure you're able to take him on before doing anything like that."

Nagan only hummed at that. "I'll get there, eventually."

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