Extra 1: Nageth is a Responsible Father | 1k Special

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Oh my goooooosh I can't believe this actually at the 1k mark!

And I have all of you beautiful, beautiful people to thank for it! Hugs, lollipops, sweets, snacks, and happy feelings for everyone!

I knew I had to do something for you guys, so here's an extra chapter diving into the past!

Twelve years earlier...

Rorric Dagmire, the new headmaster of Carvolier Academy, sat in his office awaiting the arrival of a very special person. The said person held a cherished place in his heart, but he could be quite the annoyance if he wanted to be. Because of this, Rorric couldn't help but sigh and set his large stack of paperwork aside as a familiar buzz of energy drew nearer, knowing it wouldn't get done anyways as long as he was here.

It took about 30 seconds for the door to burst open and a cheery voice to greet, "Rorric! Been a while since I've last seen you! Are those grey hairs I see?"

Rorric was about to retort before realizing the other man was holding something he did not expect. A chubby baby with bronze skin and fine blond hair. This nearly startled him into silence.

"Nageth," Rorric began slowly after collecting himself again. "I don't think I'm the only one who's aged."

The blond-haired man blinked before fully processing what he meant and laughed. "I guess this proves you don't exactly read my letters very carefully. Or else you would know who this is!" Nageth turned to look at the baby in his arms and pouted. "Uncle Rorric isn't a very nice person who can't even take the time to read his best friend's letters. Promise you'll never be like him?"

The baby made a few sounds as if trying to mimic a response and squirmed a bit, turning to peer at Rorric curiously with wide hazel eyes.

"Don't be ridiculous. It's not like I don't read them, you just happen to have chicken scrawl for handwriting and tend to ramble about nonsense," Rorric replied with a huff, but walked around his desk to stand next to his friend. "So who's this?"

Nageth practically beamed as he announced grandly, "This boy here is my pride and joy and a future dragonmage who'll be greater than their father one day, Nagania Elvar!"

Somehow little Nagan managed to look unimpressed which brought a smirk to Rorric's lips.

"He takes after Ania when it comes to dealing with your theatrics doesn't he," he noted mildly.

Nageth cleared his throat. "Just a bit."

"So where is Ania?" Rorric asked, refraining from picking on his friend any further.

"She's back at the suite unpacking, though she doesn't plan on staying here for long," Nageth shrugged. "She'll be heading back with Nagan to Tekanlab once the school year starts."

Rorric tilted his head and asked curiously, "Why so?"

"A variety of reasons really," Nageth explained. "Mostly because she wants to raise Nagan in Tekanlab where he'll blend in more, and it's further away from my side of the family. I don't exactly trust them and don't want to risk putting them in danger."

"Understandable...How are you about that, by the way?" Rorric asked in concern.

Nageth shrugged. "I'm alright. I can't say I didn't see it coming after all. But I wouldn't change a thing if it meant I couldn't be with Ania or have Nagan." He smiled down at Nagan and kissed the top of his head, making the baby giggle and grab at Nageth's hair.

"I know I've always teased you about how you'll never settle down, but this," he motioned to the father-son duo, "is oddly fitting."

"All thanks to Ania really," Nageth grinned. "She made sure she whipped me into shape the moment she found out she was expecting." His eyes lit up suddenly. "That reminds me!"

Nageth set Nagan down on an empty spot on the desk before putting out a battered notebook from a small carrier strapped around his thigh. "There were a few observations I've made while traveling around the desert I wanted to talk to you about. Seeing that you don't put any effort into reading my 'chicken scrawl', I'll have to start from the beginning."

The two men soon became completely absorbed into the discussion, failing to notice as little Nagan began to move around on the desk. It didn't take long for him to spot a rather decorated dip pen. He reached to grab it, as any baby would do when presented something interesting, but suddenly lost his balance and began to tilt off the edge of the desk.

Luckily the sudden movement caught the eye of the father. "Sor vak!"

He plucked the baby out of the air and held him securely in his arms while Nagan looked mildly disgruntled.

Both men stayed silent for a while.

"Don't tell Ania."

"Wouldn't dream of it. She'd rip my head off, too."

Back in the present, Nagan aimlessly twirled a decorated dip pen around his fingertips, feeling an odd sense of deja vu while gazing at it

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Back in the present, Nagan aimlessly twirled a decorated dip pen around his fingertips, feeling an odd sense of deja vu while gazing at it.

At his desk, Master Dagmire watched with a melancholy smile.

Nagan | Broken Time Series: Book OneМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя