Chapter 30

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Nagan continued to follow the shadow steadily, ignoring both concerned and hungry gazes. If the hooded man meant to chase him off by leading him here, he was sorely mistaken.

"You there, pretty boy," came a rough voice to his left. Turning to see who it was, he saw a heavyset woman with a hard face and a large scimitar strapped to her side. She scowled and beckoned him over with a sharp flick to her wrist. "Come here."

Nagan's eyes narrowed with suspicion and stayed where he stood. Her lips quirked slightly in amusement at that. "Good. You have enough sense to be cautious. Fine then. I have no problem shouting to where you stand in the middle of the road, where the wrong eyes can gaze upon you."

With a small scowl, he reluctantly approached her yet kept his distance.

"You do not belong here," she cut sharply. "By the way you look and are dressed, you attract too much attention. You do not look stupid, but you must be if you dare walk here without anything to protect yourself."

Nagan's scowl deepened. "I know enough to protect myself," the Rakshu tongue felt odd after speaking Tarkovish for years. "The clever ones would consider the possibility of me hiding my cards."

She raised her brow and assessed him slowly before deeming him enough. "Since I have wasted my time scolding you, you will repay me. One of my girls needs to run a few errands, and I will be sending her to accompany you. You will protect her as she will protect you. Now, wait here as I call her."

She must be the owner of this bordello, Nagan thought mildly as he watched the woman disappear into the building for a few minutes before reemerging with a younger woman behind. "I may not be walking back this way once my business is complete."

"Making the road safe part of the way is better than none," the young woman said and inclined her head slightly. "My name is Keket."

He nodded in return. "Nagan."

The errand claim was just a cover story, Nagan knew, so he continued to follow the shadow while Keket followed beside him silently. Back when he lived in similar backstreets with his mother, it was a common tactic to travel with others to lessen the chances of something unwanted to happen. Though he never said it out loud, he was grateful a stranger was willing to risk herself to protect him.

The shadow turned down a narrow alleyway and evaporated in front of a partially open door. That must be where he needs to go. Turning to Keket, he took her hand and bowed, pressing her knuckles to his forehead. A symbol of deep gratitude. "I hope for your safety on the way back, sister."

A quiet giggle escaped her and her cheeks flushed, but she leaned down and placed a light kiss on the top of his head. "You as well, little brother."

After waving goodbye, they both parted ways. Him to follow the shadow, her back the way they came.

Pulling the door open further, he saw a spiral staircase leading downwards. Looks familiar, Nagan thought bitterly remembering where this all started. He stood there for a few minutes, debating if it was really too late to turn back now. The magic crystals he carried weren't in danger of running out any time soon, but he wondered if it would be enough. But I'm so close...

He steeled his resolve and pushed himself to descend the stairs. The farther down he went, the narrower the walls seem to become and heavier the sense of dread weighed down on him. He knew this feeling from back in Carvolier village and in the presence of the dark library and hooded man. By the time he reached the bottom of the stairs, he could barely control the trembling of his hands. He took a deep breath to ground himself and observed his surroundings.

Nagan | Broken Time Series: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now