Chapter 23

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There were two types of people at that party: Those who avoided Nagan like the plague and those who wouldn't leave him alone.

He tried to deal with all of them politely, but boy did it get close sometimes.

"So Nageth really did marry a gypsy?" He sure did.

"Why don't your earrings match?" One's mine, one's my mom's.

"Is your mother here?" You're asking for a sad story, ma'am.

"I would've mistaken you as a servant if you weren't dressed so nicely. Who's your tailor?" I have no idea and I don't know if I should take that as an insult or a compliment?

"Would you like to sit with us a while, Master Elvar?" Please no. (Still had to though to be a good host.)

"The Arclovens have taken you under their wing, eh?" Indeed they did.

"I have a daughter around your age, I'm sure you'd get along--" OH HELL NO.

Nagan could've cried in relief when he saw Master Dagmire enter the ballroom. He politely excused himself swiftly with the excuse he must continue to greet the guests and made a b-line for Master Dagmire.

"Master Dagmire," he bowed out of courtesy, but also because he knew Master Dagmire wasn't particularly fond of that sort of treatment. Though he knew the real reason why Master Dagmire was here.

"Master Elvar," Master Dagmire returned the bow but looked as if he was trying not to laugh. "But if you ask me, I think you're a few years too young to hold that title."

Nagan snorted humorlessly. "You and the rest of the adult population. But it's still my right and my only source of entertainment. So don't ruin this for me."

Master Dagmire hummed. "It's that bad?"

"Awful. Absolutely terrible. I feel like everyone is watching me. I'm either getting a bunch of weird stares or they're asking me every question they can think of. Do you know how many offers I've gotten so far to meet their daughters? I'm 12 for crying out loud!"

"Your mother was 16 when she started chasing after your father you know," Master Dagmire pointed out mildly.

"Well I'm not 16 now am I," Nagan snapped back and huffed, blowing a few strands of hair farther from his face. "Anyways, are you spying on me or something?"

He shrugged and started for the drink table. Naturally, Nagan followed. "Why do you think that?"

"Because you don't seem like the type to go to parties," Nagan said bluntly.

From then on, the party was a bit more bearable.

Towards the end, Florine was taken back to her room for the night, but the boys were allowed to stay up until midnight along with everyone else. Nagan jumped when the sound of a large pop shook the room. Az was beside him at the time and shook his shoulder while pointing to the glass ceiling. "Look! The fireworks have started!"

Nagan had never seen fireworks this close before, but immediately took a liking to them.

Nagan had never seen fireworks this close before, but immediately took a liking to them

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To the beat of an unseen drum, she walked further into the woods.

Where am I going?

There was a man up ahead. He had his hood up.

Why can't I stop?

Her steps continued until she stood near him.

"Ah, so one answered my calling," the hooded man said smoothly. His back was still to her.

"Yes," she heard herself say. "I can answer your questions."

"Good girl."

He turned to face her, only his eyes were visible. Her head felt muddled. She wanted to sleep. Why am I here? Who is this man?

"Do you know someone named Nageth Elvar?"

"I have heard of him."

"Is he where you serve?"


"Do you know someone named Nagan?"


"Is he where you serve?"


"What is Nagan's full name?"

"Nagania Elvar."

There was a small pause before the man continued with his questioning.

"Is he related to Nageth Elvar?"

"Yes. He is the boy's father. That is what I've heard."

Another pause, and then a gesture to leave.

"Go back to where you serve. You have done well." There was a small, dark glow emitting from the man's fingertips. That glow became threads, and those threads stretched slowly until it reached the girl's forehead. "You know nothing about this. Now leave."

The girl's eyes went dull, and she turned to begin her walk back, walking to the same beat as before.

The hooded man stood in his place a bit longer to muse about his new discovery.

So that's who you are, Nagania Elvar.


I broke my promise. That chapter was a mess. Even after rewriting it like 3 times, it's still a mess XD

I am so sorry I am a failure as a writer XD

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