I'm Kicked Out

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The day started off normal enough for a demigod. I was at home, preparing for my SATs, when there was a bright flash and I appeared in the Olympian throne room.

The seven, Nico, Reyna and the cabin leaders had just been brought to Olympus for the rewards.

Zeus slammed his masterbolt on the ground and spoke. "Jason Grace, Piper McLean, Hazel Levesque, Frank Zhang, Leo Valdez, Annabeth Chase, Nico Do Angelo, Reyna Avila Ramirez Arelano and Perseus Jackson, for aiding Olympus in the war against the Giants, the Olympian council has decided to reward you all with full immortality, shall you accept," Zeus boomed. "The other campers who were part of both wars will be given partial immortality," he added.

I watched my friends decide on what to do. Frank, Hazel and Leo accepted immediately, while Jason and Piper shared a look. "We will accept but I wish to have permission to build temples to all major and minor gods at both camps," Jason said. Zeus smiled proudly, "very well," he said.

Annabeth looked at me sadly. "I'm sorry Percy, but this is a lot, I hope you agree with me," she said sadly.

"I accept," she said.

Those words made me feel like a dry twig being stepped on. I sorta expected something like this to happen because she rarely kept her hubris under control.

It was my turn, I bowed. "I'm deeply honoured by your gracious gift but I don't feel like I should have this gift. So I humbly decline and in turn, wish for 2 other things that can easily be done by you all," I said to the Olympians.

Some had faces of amusement, like Apollo, Hermes and Hephaestus, but others had looks of disbelief, such as Zeus, Hades, Artemis, Ares and Aphrodite.

"Why not?" Zeus thundered, looking cross.

I smiled and replied, "like Mars once said, 'life's only precious because it ends'. I would also like to honour all my friends who fell in both wars by staying mortal."

The gods looked at me with shock and a sliver of respect, "very well," my father boomed, looking at me with a weak smile.

I stepped forward, "I would like to wish for both Lord Hades and Lady Hestia to have thrones on Olympus as they both are among the elder Olympians."

Hades stood up from his visiting throne, "are you calling me old, boy?"

I smiled to myself, "no Lord Hades, I'm simply saying that as one of the big three, you deserve to have a seat on Olympus."

Zeus stroked his beard, "very well," he said. With a snap of his fingers, a throne appeared next to my dad's. It was obsidian black with skulls and a silver lining to it. Similarly, a throne appeared next to Demeter's. It war a mix of orange and red with flames flickering on the headrest. It made you feel a warm and fuzzy feeling inside you when you looked at it.

"My second wish is for all of you to spend time with you children. It doesn't have to be long but at least a sign that shows them that there is someone out there who cares for them."

The Olympians nodded at this.

Zeus stood up from his throne, "if that is it, I conclude this ceremony closed."

We all walked out of the throne room. Annabeth grabbed my hand and led me towards the gardens and looked at me in annoyance. "Why Percy, why didn't you just take the gift? We could have lived peacefully but you had to ruin it! she screeched.

I held my hands up, "Look, it was your choice, I didn't want it. I'm happy for you, but do you really have to be mad me?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

She gritted her teeth and straight up punched me in the jaw sending me flying across at least 50 feet.


Emotions were just flowing out of me, hate, anger, hurt and most of all, betrayal.

"PERCY," Poseidon came rushing, "What happened? Why are you glowing like that?"

I looked down and saw that I was in my own tornado with lightning flickering around me and ice particles along with water swirling around me. The entire city of Olympus was having an earthquake.

"Calm down Percy, you'll rip the mountain apart," my dad said.
I let go of water control I had and crumpled on the ground tired.

Hestia came in, in a column of flames. "She happened," Hestia  growled, "the Athena spawn accused Percy and called him selfish and foolish." I noticed that a lot of other gods had also surrounded us.

"He's too powerful to live," screeched Annabeth, "he controlled the ichor and poisson in Akhlys."

The gods looked at me in shock, "Is this true my boy?" My dad asked.

"Yes, but I promised to never use such power," I said.

Athena stepped forward, "my daughter is correct, he must be killed."

Hades stepped forward, "after all he's done for you? His power can benefit us."

Everyone looked at my dad. "He did it to save himself and the daughter of Athena. We are no better than the Titans if we kill him."

Zeus slammed his bolt on the ground, "He is too powerful and unpredictable, Perseus Jackson will be exiled to Tartarus. That is final." My father shrugged and flashed away.

I look at them in shock. I could barely breathe. I was hardly paying attention when Hades escorted me to the cave near the field of Asphodel. "Farewell young hero. I admit what they did was wrong but I'm sorry," he said. I simply nodded at him. Hestia appeared next to Hades, I assume he allowed her to enter his realm. She smiled sadly at me, "good luck young hero."

I nodded sadly and jumped into Tartarus. I was broken. I was ready to die and let this be over with. "I HAVE ACCEPTED MY FATE," I screamed, "HOPE YOU'RE SATISFIED FATES."

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