The Beginning of our plan

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After a little nap, I paced my room. We needed a way to start the war. I knew Kronos had his own plan, but Gaia told me to orchestrate one of my own. After pacing the room for Chronos knows how long, I finally came up with a plan.

I transported myself to mount Othrys, suppressing my power to remain undetected. The Titan council was in utter chaos, Rhea was screaming at Kronos for starting the whole thing by swallowing their kids, Koios and Hyperion were talking among themselves. Iapetus was convincing Krios that Bob is better than being called Iapetus.

I revealed myself in the throne room. "Sorry to burst your bubble Rhea, but the gods were paranoid from the beginning. Zeus's hunger for power would have made him overthrow Kronos regardless."

The council quietened on hearing me. I noticed that the throne meant for Metis was empty. I snapped my fingers, bringing in the spirit of the Titaness. The Titans looked at me thankfull.

"Metis", I said, "are you willing to aid the Titans in this war?"

"Yes", she replied confidently. I nodded.

"I have a plan," I told them. Kronos beckoned for me to continue.

"The gods need to be scared to the point that they're wetting themselves. Kampê will lead an attack on camp half-blood." As I said this, Kampê was brought in. She nodded at me. "Next", I said, snapping my fingers, summoning Polybotes, "Polybotes will lead an attack on camp Jupiter." I continued, "try keeping the demigod casualty as low as possible. The more there are, the more afraid and disarrayed they'll be."

"I'm not your slave to do as you say," Polybotes rumbled.

"I'm helping you and I suggest you shut your trap and listen to me before I make you fade," I snarled, getting a little annoyed at the Giants' attitudes. The Titans and Giant nodded fearfully.

"Oceanus, gather the force of the sea wage war on Poseidon."

He nodded and then spoke up, "I feel like you should know this, but despite Poseidon seeming to have disowned you, the sea still recognizes you as one of its own, so you still have power over it."

I nodded at him. "I will be bringing Typhon back and he will start his march here and take a month to reach Olympus", I said. The Titans looked surprised at this but nodded their heads in understanding. I gave them a mock salute and shadow travelled away.

I then traveled to Olympus, hidden in the shadows around it. I released some of my aura. The Olympians started to appear in their thrones in bright flashes. I realised that this was nothing compared to Primordial council. The gods' auras were weak compared Gaia or Tartarus. If those two really do fight in this war, the gods are as good faded.

Zeus wielded his masterbolt and looked around the room, "Did anyone else feel that aura in the throne room."

All the gods nodded their heads. My plan was about to surface now. Poseidon yelped and seemed to age a few years.

"Oceanus has declared war on me," he said before flashing away.

Hermes stood up. "Father", he said in a alarmed voice.

"Yes?" Zeus asked.

"Typhon is back," he said in a mere whisper, but it was heard by everyone as they all paled.

"How?" Hades asked, "didn't Posiedon seal him up?" He questioned. 

Apollo almost fell of his throne, "Mount Othrys has risen," he said, "It's clouded from my vision, but I swear on the Styx that I just saw the entire Titan pantheon there. Metis included," he added, looking towards Athena.

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