My true form

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I was training with Zoë when a bright flash eliminated the room, revealing Hecate, the goddess of magic. "Percy," she said, "the demigods are here, I have no idea how they know you're here, but they're demanding to see you."

She snapped her fingers and a screen appeared, showing me a group of five demigods in battle armour. They seemed pretty young to be down here in Tartarus.

"Tell Akhlys not to kill them," I said alarmed, "they're innocent and they have no idea what's going on."

I immediately teleported to the location, hidden in the black mist.

Akhlys started cackling evilly, "tell me dear children, who sent you here"?

The eldest stepped forward, "we were sent down here by our goddess, Lady Annabeth."

That's when I lost it, I burst out laughing, rolling on the floor. I came into view.

"Leave," I said to them, trying to control my laughter. "Or I'll send my fiercest hunter after you."

The demigods paled at that but stood their ground. "We were ordered to come here and take you back to Olympus in chains. That's the only way they'll let us back up," one of the kids said.

I felt bad at that. The gods were using these kids in order to get to me. These kids probably don't even know how dangerous this place is. They must have been promised fame and power if they came down here to get me. This needed to be dealt with.

I telepathically communicated with my mom. "Hey Mom, the gods have forced a bunch of kids to come and get me. I'm going to take them back to Olympus and put the gods in their place."

"All right, be safe," she replied.

I dissolved the kids and myself into darkness and teleported to the Olympian throne room.

The gods were busy arguing with each other and debating on what to do with me. They didn't even realize that I was there. I stomped my foot, causing the room to tremble, thus silencing them. I noticed that despite their thrones being there, Hades and Hestia were not present. "YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO SEND KIDS INTO TARTARUS TO COME AND GET ME."

Zeus slammed his bolt on the ground, sending sparks, "SEIZE HIM!" He bellowed.

There was and instantaneous *click* and my hands and legs were chained.

Zeus started to speak, "you will–"

"SHUT IT PEST," I bellowed, my temper rising. I melted the celestial bronze chains until there was a pool of metal at my feet. That was enough to silence both the gods and minor gods alike; who were sitting in mini thrones by their parents.


Annabeth stood up. "You're in front of the Olympian council, kneel!" she screeched.  Why was she screeching? Did her mother give her the ability to turn into a screech owl? I snapped my fingers thus silencing her. It was amusing to watch her trying to speak. "You have no right to send innocent demigods after me. You were the paranoid little brats who decided that just because I'm powerful, I'm a threat. I've layed down my life on several occasions just to save your sorry butts."

The Olympians were fuming. Athena smirked, "We didn't know you were so powerful, but we still control you," she said.

"You wish," I spat back.

Zeus snapped his fingers, and in front of me appeared my mom and step dad, Paul.

I looked at the Olympians in disbelief. "Really?" I asked them, "You're going to stoop that low?" I willed the temperature to drop bellow freezing. I blocked of the sun's rays. I immediately teleported my parents to a house in Alaska. These filthy gods won't dare touch them there.

The gods flashed into their battle armour and pointed their weapons and symbols of power at me. An army of demigods started to march into the throne room. Athena smirked, I guess this was their plan B; brute force.

Minor gods and other deities started to flash in. "Surrender now Jackson," Zeus boomed. I smirked. Finally, some fun.

I dug deep into my powers, overpowering even Hades. And right then and there, I teleported the entire army and gods into Tartarus.

They realized what I had done and looked at me in disbelief. I was in my home territory now, I didn't need my powers.

I summoned a blade mad of pure darkness and threw it at deadly accuracy at Zeus. It struck him right under the collar bone, making him scream.

"You're in my turf now," I snarled in a deadly calm voice. And with that, I let loose.

Let's just say everything went according to plan.

My body super heated and turned into a back silhouette with blue, black and red flames flickering around me.
I then summoned Algos, the primordial of pain and son of Night. He had a huge grudge over the Olympians for a reason everyone in the house of Night are scared to speak of. He smirked and let his power roll out of him. It hit the army in waves, giving them more pain and suffering than ever. I then teleported the demigods back Olympus. They were innocent and were simply fed lies about me. I just needed to show them my side of everything so they understand who they're fighting for.

 I just needed to show them my side of everything so they understand who they're fighting for

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The minor gods and Olympians charged me. I laughed to myself.

I willed my hand to turn into flames and punched Hercules. His body disintegrated on the spot, sending his spirit to some place in Tartarus to reform again.

The minor gods were now weary of me.

I then charged them, spinning my Stigian Iron sword in a deadly arc of destruction until all that was left was the Olympians and Annabeth.

"You gods don't even deserve a fight," I said, dusting myself.

"All you do is hide behind your demigods. Now feel what it is like to be helpless."

I then released all the darkness around me, imagining a dam breaking. I evolved into pure power. It dissolved the gods bit by bit, not even allowing them to fight. I released it for only a few seconds but it was enough.

Before me were twelve of the Olympians, smoking and sizzling, they could barely stand. The only reason they were alive was because they used their powers to reduce the damage done. I assume Annabeth couldn't take it and her essence is probably somewhere in Tartarus reforming.

I then snapped fingers, sending the 12 barbeques back to Olympus. I didn't want to know what Tartarus would do if he got hold of them in here.

I then dissolved into darkness and reappeared back in my room.

Ah, that was a nice day... or night. Time is different here in Night. Maybe it was night. Yeah it was definitely night. Nyx would probably kill anyone who wanted light here. I smirked at the memory of her asking for a light when I came to Tartarus during my first visit. That was probably a once in an aeon occurance.

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