Guess who's back

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I was falling for Tartarus knows how long. It didn't really matter anymore. Nothing did to be honest. I didn't even panic when the sulphurous clouds of Tartarus appeared. I did nothing to stop my fall. I simply stared at the rocky landscape that was slowly approaching, coming closer and closer.


I was surprised, it didn't even hurt.

I studied my surroundings. I was next a murky river.

I looked at murky river flowing past me. Just looking at it confirmed my suspicion, it was the Styx. I knew what I had to do. I was tired. Tired of being used, being a pawn of the foolish Olympians. This world no longer wanted me, so be it I thought. I had no purpose. With that I jumped in. All of a sudden, the flow of the water quickened and bubbled. I was then thrown out.

Before me, a woman appeared. Just looking at her I knew she was powerful. She had pitch black hair and a deathly pale face that made Hades look like he had a tan. She had a permanent scowl on her face and she simply stared at me. I knew who she was.

"Lady Styx," I bowed before the goddess of the river Styx.

She looked at me sternly. "What makes you think I'm going to let you have your essence erased?" She asked in an annoyed tone.

"I thought you don't mind it when people kill themselves in your waters," I said.

She huffed, "you had my blessing. I will not let you die in my waters. Leave now and don't you dare take your life for I will not let you rest even in the afterlife."

She then disappeared into mist.

Great, I thought as I trudged down the rocky landscape, even the river of damnation doesn't want me. I continued walking. Even the monsters seemed to avoid me.

As I walked, I thought about my mom. She would probably be devastated upon learning that I was thrown into Tartarus. That life has been ripped away from me. I doubt I would even survive here.

All of a sudden, the temperature dropped about twenty degrees and black mist started to form all around me. I heard screeches and flapping of wings. The Arai. I didn't even have a weapon to fight with. In fact, I'll let them kill me, much better.

"Well, well, well, the son of Poseidon". The voice was all around me.

The mist parted revealing an all to familiar sight of a primordial goddess.

"Hello tourist," Nyx said, smirking. "Where's your little partner?"

I was no longer scared of her. "They betrayed me," I said, "all of them."

She laughed, "Now isn't that nice to hear. Oh petty little paranoid Olympians."

I then told her all of it, starting from the very beginning to where I was. I don't know what made me do it but I told her all of it. She and I'm guessing a bunch of her children hidden in the mist, listened while I poured out everything that had ever happened to me in my life.

Once I was done, she just looked at me with an emotionless face.  "So... are you going to kill me or what?" I asked.

She simply waved her hand and the mist parted, revealing an entire army of Night's children. "I have a proposition for you," she said. "I will make you my champion, in turn you must command my army and lead them to battle whenever I ask you to."

I looked at her in shock. Why would she, the primordial goddess of darkness, want to make me her champion? I'm pretty sure that my mouth was hanging open like a gapping fish.
If I accepted, I would have a new purpose and a new family. If I declined, I might anger Nyx and she would probably torture me for life.

"Alright," I said, "I'll be your champion."

When the words left my mouth, she summoned a dark ball of energy and let it fly into me.

When it hit me, I felt different all of a sudden. Not powerful, but different. I could feel the darkness around me, I could see clearly and I was able to control the darkness. Just the feeling of the darkness around me made me feel like it would respond to me with a flick of a finger.

"Welcome to Army of Night," said a goddess who I presume is Eris, the goddess of chaos and strife.

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