In the beginning.....

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I'm gonna just kinda try and get to the point of the story, and not take to long with the boring intro. I honestly don't write like this, I'm just gonna hopefully make this episode quick. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

You felt sick...... you looked at the lifeless corpses on the ground.....the innocent of this building....the bullies......your parents...... your brother......all. They were all slaughtered before you could even realized what was happening. But for some reason, even though you felt made you smile. All of their blood was on your hands, and even if you could wash it off....the screams of everyone would still be in your memory. Maybe it wasn't the fact you felt sick....maybe it was the sickening smile that was on your face. 

You held your brother in your arms..... he was cold and stiff, No life whatsoever. You kissed his forehead, leaving a bloodied kiss-mark on his head. could always protect your brother from everyone, even from the shittiest of people. What was this feeling? You didn't know.... but all you did know.... was that it felt great! You looked at your brother once more, then threw your head back and let out a maniacal laugh.


A week later-

You hid from the police for at least a week now, eating whatever you could get your hands on. This sick feeling you had gained hasn't gone away yet, and you need to pass the time with

You looked at the nearby apartment that was filled with people....the sick thought of their screams filled your head with delight. You looked both ways before crossing the street before you made it to the building and walked inside. You held a knife in one hand and the other held a lighter.

You caught the attention of a guard and as he approached you to take your weapons away.... you slit his throat, and he let out a gurgled scream. He soon laid limp on the ground, lifeless. You smiled but before you could go anywhere, someone had already called 911 and the police were running into the room at every entrance.

You ran up the nearby stairs, stabbing people that dared get into your way. Some of the police officers continued to run after you, while others went to help the wounded. You ran into a nearby room and locked it. You killed the couple in the room before the police kicked down the door at full force.

You grinned with an evil, yet playful grin as you held up the lighter. They all looked at each other and tried to slowly approach you.

"Miss?" One officer tried to get your attention, "Please put both, the lighter and knife down". You stared at him for a second, then smiled the biggest smile you could manage.

"" you said, you held in a laugh as you dropped the lighter.

There was gasoline lines everywhere and once you dropped the lighter, in a split second, everything blew up in flames. They flames grew underneath the officers and soon, the police officers screamed in agony as they there burning to a crisp. You smiled....

Until you realized you needed to get out of there. You ran out a different door, leading to a different hallway. You ran out different doors and up and down different stair cases...damn... this place is like a FUCKIN MAZE! 

The fire was spreading quickly and you needed to get out, and that needed to happen now! You slammed another door open and found a different room. You went in and went to another door in that room and opened it, only to find that the other side was filled with scorching flames of hell.

You closed that door and ran back to the one you came in threw in a flash, only to see flames on the other side. Your heart dropped.... you had no where to go. This was all THEIR FUCKING FAULT!!!  If it weren't for wouldn't be in this mess! 

You heard a few crack above you and right when you looked up....the ceiling came crashing on top of you, it crushed your bottom half and you could no longer move. You struggled, and yelled for help....but nobody came....

This continued for a few minutes until you were in the middle of the scorching fire. It ,felt like never ending daggers that were just in molten lava, and were now just stabbing you repeatedly. You screamed in agony, and right when you felt you could no longer bare the pain anymore. 

Your world went black....



That was the first thing you felt as you began to open your eyes. When you fully opened your eyes, you saw that you were falling. It was black, so the the first thing that you questioned was 'Am I in the void?'. 

Well...soon the black sky that was around you, began to get a dark red tint to it, then a minute later it got a bit brighter and brighter, saw ground underneath you. You were happy to see ground, but then it dawned on you that you were falling at such an unforgiving speed. If you hit the ground... you be flattened into a bloody pancake! 

You screamed as you fell. Closer and closer the ground came and by now you were just ready to accept it. You closed your eyes and hugged yourself tightly as you embraced for impact. Well, instead of a bone crushing, organ spilling, awful demise you thought you were going to have. You felt the wind get knocked out of you as soon as you hit the ground.

You rubbed your head, it hurt... you checked your hand for any blood.....and was shocked to what you saw. Fire....your hand was fire.... you lifted your shirt up a bit...Fire... you looked at a window to see your reflection.......Fire......

You didn't know what to think about first. You looked knew you were dead, and this place didn't look like heaven to you, nor did it look like purgatory... so you knew that your ever lasting tomb was......HELL...

You cracked your 'bones' so to speak.

"This...." you said quietly "will be VERY.....ENTERTAINING!"

You then turned and looked at a nearby channel station

"Very entertaining".... you began to walk towards the channel station with the creepiest grin on your face that you could muster up.


I promise the next episode I will put more effort into, this episode I just kinda wanted to get the ball rolling! THANK YOU FOR READING!! And.....Stay tuned......

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