Light found in the Dark

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Small note from creator-

This took me a bit longer than I wanted it too. Mostly because of the art, but I needed an idea for the next episode. Then I got a great idea. Anyway, about the pictures....I am getting a bit tired from drawing for a few hours at a time, making art for each episode, so I am open to art submitted by my readers. If you would like to see your art on my next story, you may send the art to me anyway you can. If you do not know how, I will see what I can do, just let me know and I will hopefully find a solution....anyway back to the story.)

A few days have passed since your arrival in hell. Every day it's the same routine... get up, get dressed, eat, cause mayhem, sleep then repeat. In all honesty, you were slowly being driven insane. There was nothing new to do, nothing fun. Other than the occasional overlord wannabes   that would threaten to kill you if you didn't give them 'power'. They all met the same fate when they tried.

Your friendship between you and Cherri Bomb grew day by day, even though you'd be off roaming the streets or something, and she'd be off probably hanging out with friends....who knows.

Currently, your sitting at a bar. Your not really much of an alcoholic (if you are...just work with me here), but today you need something to ease your pain. Though you have a new friend in hell, a big amount of territory shared with your new friend, and a reputation for killing an overlord, you felt empty. Satisfied....yet empty. It's a weird feeling and you want it gone.

You missed him... (B/N)....(aka. If you don't know, (B/N) stands for 'brothers name'. If you'd prefer a sister than change the story a bit to fit your liking...Shut up I'm trying to make things dramatic!) 

You missed him so much....he was the only one who understood you...when you were down, he lifted you back up. When he was down, you lifted him up. You were both 2 halves to a heart. You both did everything together, nothing could rip you 2 apart. But....death had other plans.

You were given looks by others in the bar, they looked like they wanted to say something to you, but you had a look on your face that told everyone to stay away. You were on your second bottle of alcohol when your thoughts were interrupted by a fight between a male lizard like demon and a dragon like demon with a long neck over something you weren't aware of. (I had to look threw 'the pilot' to find two random demons in a bar to cause chaos's hell so why not?) 

Well...this fight, did NOT help your mood in the slightest. Your 'hair' began to flicker violently with anger. Their yelling slowly grew louder and louder until you heard a crash behind you. You turned around to see where the sound came from. Well, the lizard demon got super pissed off and started throwing punches at the dragon demon resulting in a flipped table and broken glass bottles everywhere.

You tried blocking out the sound but it only got louder.....and louder....and Louder!! THATS FUCKING IT!!

You slammed your fists on the bar table loud enough to get everyone's attention and hard enough to crack the bar table. Everyone went silent and watched you, the lizard had his hands around the dragons throat while the dragon had his foot on the lizards chest, but they weren't moving. They just stared at you.

"YOU TWO HANDLE THINGS LIKE CHILDREN!! FUCKING TALK IT OUT!!!" You yelled. Your flames grew high and was making lots of crackling sounds. 

After a minute of complete silence and non stop staring. You finally pulled yourself together, took a breath to calm down, paid your bill and left with a huff.


After walking down the sidewalk for about 10 minutes to cool off, you began to hear yells in the distance. Those yells soon turned into screams, then turned into bloody screams. Once letting the curiosity get the better of you, you decided to follow the yells of pain and eventually found out where they were coming from. You hid behind the wall of the Alleyway and decided to listen.

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