True Territorial Takeover

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After the 'interview' at the 666 news building, you weren't really sure what to do next. Now with the reputation you had, nobody really came close to you. So....what did you do to pass the time? 

You sat in an alleyway behind a trash can.  Occasionally, someone would pass the alley and you would find yourself making some kind of 'fire string' and would trip them at the last second. But... other than that you had nothing to do, and the silence you held (other than the distant screams, explosions, and other noises of the creatures roaming around), it was agonizing!!

So, with one final yawn, you got up and walked out of the alleyway and made your way down the street aimlessly. You felt like causing a little mayhem, but honestly....what was a monster that killed an 'overlord' gonna do to cause mayhem?  Rob a bank? Lame. That's a rookie crime and honestly, you felt you could do better.

As you were walking down the street, deep in thought, you were slammed into a wall by a what you guessed was a robber. Eh... not very sneaky either about this....what a shame.

"Hey dude! Give whatever you got up! Money, drugs,  expensive electronics... you know the normal stuff we'd want!" He said with a bit of cockiness to his voice. "Then tell me... How did you kill Vox! He couldn't have just fell to the ground and died!" He hissed.

You rolled your eyes with annoyance. Is it that big of a deal? Yes, it was weird that he didn't fight back, being an overlord and all....but, whatever.

"Why do you want to know?" You hissed back.

He had such a huge grin on his face when you asked this. "I'm so glad you asked me!" He said as increased his strength, now pressing you harder against the wall. It hurt, yes, but not to where you'd scream.

"Ya see... I'm trying to overthrow all overlords in hell! And with the knowledge you now hold, I will take it from you and kill one of the most powerful demons in hell....well I'm getting ahead of myself! I'll kill you first...then the radio demon, then a few others....then I'll make my way to Lucifer! Wahahahaha" he laughed. His laugh sounded like a frog gurgling jelly....and he's such a try hard...

"So...spit it out....or else" he grinned.

Ok now this guy was pissing you off. First you? Then the radio demon? Then Lucifer? Really? What a Fucking try Hard!!

Your body began to overheat and flames erupted from your body, and burned this.... what to call him? A yob? A nuisance? No.... vermin. Vermin seems to be more accurate right now. He pulled his hand away and started to blow on it, leaving a 2nd degree burn.

"You little!" He hissed and swung his small pocket knife at you. You dodged it with such ease, but he kept swinging at you with force. He eventually did make a decent sized cut on your cheek, it wasn't big or life threatening. But it was enough to really piss you off.

You picked him up by the throat and held him above the ground so his feet weren't touching it. Your hands wrapped around his neck and left a serious burn mark and the imprint of your hand. He screamed with great agony, relieving your anger.

However you didn't feel finished. Your mouth looked as if it was going to unhinge with how wide it got. You pulled him close, burning and shredding his clothes in the process, and shoved his head in your mouth.

Creatures from every corner watched in horror as you placed your mouth over his head. Muffled screams were heard from him and his arms and legs flailed with desperation to be let go. His skin bubbled from your flaming heat and in a blink of an eye.... off came his head....

You held his head in your mouth and spit it out. Blood was everywhere. From your mouth to your clothes. And on the ground, his body laid limp and burnt. Everyone watched you then slowly went back to what they were doing. 

Hazbin hotel x Reader: Hell Fireحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن