Let's talk demons

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Moving into the hotel wasn't really a hassle, you didn't really have anything to begin with. Maybe a few clothes from Cherri Bomb and a few things you may or may not have found lying around. For instance, you found a camera, it was beat up a tad but worked nonetheless. You found a few other things and took them with you so you had at least something with you.

(B/N) had a lot more than you did, that's for sure. However, Charlie didn't allow him to take anything with him. (B/N) stole a lot and Charlie knew this, so she told him that he can't have anything that he stole and he must get rid of it or give it back. (B/N) huffed but complied and got rid of it, though he did manage to keep a phone with a skull keychain on the end.Probably belonged to a skeleton if anything.....just a guess, you don't really know much of the demons here.

Your room was next to (B/N)'s room, so you didn't have to worry about being to far from him. Charlie thought it'd be a good idea to make your room a dark purple because of how you glow, she did the same for (B/N) and made his room a bright yellow.

 (B/N)'s room and your room were pretty much empty right now but you'd figure you could go to some kind of store....unless you had to steal, and you were positive that Charlie wasn't going to allow that.

Anyways, you had just finished moving the furniture (like the bed, desk, nightstand and wardrobe) that Charlie provided you and (B/N), to where you wanted everything to be and admired how it looked. It wasn't much but it was a start....

Satisfied with how your room looked at the moment, you decided to head downstairs to the main room where the entrance, desk, and the bar was. (B/N) was talking with the winged cat named 'husk'. Husk looked a bit drunk while (B/N) was a tad bit tipsy. By what you could see, there were at least five empty bottles on the counter with one half filled in each of their hands.

You rolled your eyes at the sight but you didn't say anything, you weren't any better than them....if anything you were worse. How in the world does Charlie plan to make you and (B/N) a better person? Was it even possible? You could only hope....right?

Your thoughts were rudely interrupted by a certain spider demon who thought it be a good idea to try and touch your hair. He let out a loud shriek as he quickly pulled his hand away and shook it violently while blowing on it to try and ease the burn.

"Owowowowow...." he hissed in pain. You raised an eyebrow at him and grumbled. 

"What did you expect to happen dumbass?" You said sassily while crossing your arms with a frown.

"I don't know! Not to be burned?!" He huffed back at you. You rolled your eyes again and turned your heel to walk away.

You decided to try and actually have a conversation with some of them since it seemed you were going to be here a while. So you went other to the bar and sat down at it, in hopes to start a conversation.

"Eyyy....(Y/N)....whatsss up?" (B/N) slurred as he took another sip of his alcoholic beverage. You sighed and automatically got up and left. Nope...your not going to get a conversation there...you'll have to talk to (B/N) and husk when they're actually sober.

You looked around and found Charlie happily talking to her girlfriend Vaggie. For the first time since you've been here, Vaggie hasn't smiled around anyone, just Charlie. So you figured you'd try to start a conversation there since Charlie might be the only one who'd be willing to actually have a conversation.

As you walked over to the two, Vaggies smiled faded into a frown, only Charlie still had her smile. "Hi (Y/N), need something?" Charlie asked happily, to which Vaggie just rolled her eyes.

You sweatdropped, "no...just wanted to talk with someone...y'know? Feel included" you said with a slight smile.

Charlie nodded, "makes sense, you are welcome to have a conversation with us anytime you want!" Charlie explained and turned to face Vaggie. "Right?"

Vaggie grumbled and walked away, not looking back as she did. Ouch...bipolar much? Charlie must've noticed your negative aura so she patted your shoulder. "Don't worry, I'm sure she'll come around. She wasn't to please with Alastor being here either" she explained.

You nodded, "I guess....but it would be nice if she at least said 'hi' or something.." you said with a frown. Charlie was about to say something, but you felt a familiar cold aura coming towards you. It didn't quite take rocket science to figure out who it was.

"Hello Alastor" you said while turning to face the deer demon.

"Good evening, darling...how is your room coming along?" He asked thoughtfully. You definitely knew you two were going to get along swell.

"Fine...it's a tad empty due to the lack of things I have, but I'll make do with what I have" you said with a shrug.

Alastor nodded as his smile seemed to widen, "indeed young (Y/N)" he said with a laugh. You smiled and nodded, content with actually having at least small talk with someone in this hotel.

"Oh dear...I came to retrieve you for something....um....oh! Your brother, what's his name? (B/N)? He's passed out drunk on the carpet and Vaggie wishes for you to take care of him while angel takes care of husk..." he stated as his smile weakens.

You frowned and rolled your eyes, "I guess this is what I get for a black out drunk brother...." you huffed as you went to retrieve (B/N).

Just like Alastor had previously said, (B/N) was sprawled out on the ground with an empty glass bottle in his hand. It looked like he was trying to get somewhere was passed out before he could get his fourth step in. You picked him up and cringed, (B/N) reeked of strong alcohol.

You held your breath and quickly took him to his room on the second floor. Once there you were nearly out of breath so you threw him on his bed, backed away and wheezed for some fresh air, then picked him up again and brought him to the bathtub.

Since he was made of either black smoke or shadows, you didn't quite know how this was going to work, but you turned on the cold water anyways and waited for a reaction. You were made of fire, so just in case water was deadly to you, you quickly pulled your hand away and watched as the water drizzled over (B/N)'s frame. 

It went through him, but it seemed to have worked when his eyes shot open as he yelped out of surprise and shock.

"(Y/N)!!!" He screeched in both anger and surprise. You just laughed and avoided the water while turning the water off. (B/N) huffed and got out as he held his head in pain, "ow......hangover..." he groaned. You rolled your eyes and told him to get dressed in some clean clothes so he didn't smell of alcohol....at least not as badly as he did.

He nodded and complied as you headed out of his room to see angel dust carrying a black out drunk husk to his room. You cringed and knew husk wasn't going to be happy with him....if he ever made it back out of there....

Alastor was walking down the hall that you were in and stood by you as angel took husk into his room.

"Poor husker...." was all he said before turning down the hall again. You followed him and remained quiet as you did.

"Want to talk, darling?" He asked as he looked down at you with his signature grin. You smiled and nodded.

"Yeah....let's talk..." 


Oh gosh....I'm running out of ideas here and I barely even started the story yet...well ok that's a lie. I have some ideas, I just need to figure out how to put it in the story and actually have it make sense.

Anyways....sorry about the short chapter, I just wanted to update and add some randomness.

I apologize for the wait too....I lost interest in writing for a bit...then one magical day I said

"I want to write again" .....so here I am

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