Chapter 12 - Warships

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If Vinie had thought organizing Utunma into a defensible outpost was a difficult feat, she was beginning to realize that it would pale in comparison to Danitesk. Utunma at least had had a few advantages; firstly, a larger population. At only four thousand heads, Danitesk was less than half the size of Utunma and arguably even more remote. Even though Utunma sat on the very tip of Goran's southwestern-most pennisula, sea-going travel between it and Moaan was frequent by way of the Bay of Torbos. Danitesk's closest neighbor besides Utunma was Syrion, nearly twenty-four leagues – or eight hours' sail in a large dhow – north along the coast. By land, Danitesk was just as utterly surrounded by jungle as Utunma. One wondered whether the little coastal village was even worth the enormous effort it would take to establish an Undorian outpost there.

Vinie was adamant though. If Undor was going to rise, then it must rise as one. Leaving a flank undefended had cost them dearly in Utunma; the weeks between now and then had done little to dull the pain of Sahar's death. Never again would Vinie make the mistake of leaving a town to fend for itself, especially now that Undor and the capital were openly at war with one another. However little Danitesk may or may not be able to contribute to the cause, it would be all too easy a settlement for the royal army to attack. The risk only grew when one considered the possibility of a shipyard-turned-naval base rumored to be located somewhere along the coast between Danitesk and Syrion.

Such concerns could almost be forgotten as Vinie strolled down Danitesk's main street, Gideo at her side and a handful of locals walking with them. Summer was still in full force this far south, and the heat of the midday sun beat fierce and familiar against their heads and shoulders. The street teemed with people going about their business; FishMongers cleaning and gutting the day's catch, PearlDivers polishing their wares, SandalMakers straightening the latest designs in neat, paired rows. Danitesk was known for its colourfully painted clay buildings, and Vinie readily admitted that the bright yellow, blue, and green houses brought a certain charm to the town.

"You're certain you've seen no more capital ships in these waters than usual?"

Gideo addressed Kuman, the unofficial LawMaker for Danitesk. Vinie and Gideo had arrived two days ago to find a royal magistrate still in place in Danitesk. It hadn't taken much convincing – news of Utunma's successful rebellion went a long way – for the townsfolk to throw the deeply unpopular magistrate out into the jungle. He would either make his way home, across days and days of winding jungle roads and Gorian countryside, or some creature of the forest would turn him into dinner. It was better odds than Utunma had given its magistrate; even royal authority didn't protect one from drowning when thrown overboard at sea.

Vinie was beginning to wonder if they hadn't been better off with the royal magistrate. Kuman was proving to be terribly unhelpful, at alternate turns whining about the danger from the capital and then obstinately refusing to work with Vinie and Gideo in organizing any sort of defenses for Danitesk. Or providing any useful information, for that matter.

Kuman shook his head vigorously. "Oh no, not at all! It's been business as usual for us this time of year. Or at least, it was, until you folk pulled up to the docks..."

Vinie was beginning to get a little tired of Kuman's continual insinuations that Danitesk would have been better served if they had been left out of the growing conflict entirely. Trying to keep a civil tone, she reminded him;

"We're here to help you protect Danitesk, Kuman. Any trouble that comes your way will only be a hundred times worse if it catches you unawares."

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