Chapter 28 - King of the Ashes

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It shouldn't have come as a surprise that Xolani and Oesu would be waiting to meet them as Kiiss's carriage trundled wearily into the circle of Moaan's State Hall. The Lord and Lady of Undor stood framed in the Hall's enormous doorway, their golden jewelry glittering in the warm haze of an autumn sunset. There was no warmth in their gazes as they watched the carriage grind to a halt. That was, however, before they beheld the motely collection of survivors as they emerged.

The journey back from Amenthere had been long and painful for everyone. For Anuli StarGazer's now-orphaned daughter and the rest of Kiiss's family, the pain was mostly the hollow ache of grief. For Vinie and Gideo, their pain was intensely, blisteringly physical. As soon as the adrenaline of the escape from Amenthere wore off, the pain of the burns on their hands, arms, and legs had grown nearly unbearable. A stop along the roadside once they reached the lush eves of the jungle yielded some small relief. Ijireen, the young Red Ovate, proved surprisingly knowledgeable when it came to the treatment of burns with the juice of aloe vera plants.

"Master Tomur made us learn how to treat burns almost first thing, in case we ever hurt someone accidentally with our magic," she had explained while tending to Vinie's throbbing hands.

Now, days later, their burns salved and bandaged as well as could be managed in a travelling carriage, Vinie and Gideo still moved slowly, painfully as they stepped down into the street. They weren't the only ones suffering; Kiiss's zebras were just about ready to collapse. Although they had done what they could to alleviate the burden on the poor animals – the strongest and fittest of Stargazers taking it in turns to run along behind the carriage – it had still been an unfair journey for the team of four. Their striped necks hung low, ears and tails drooping listlessly toward the ground.

Even Kiiss and her grandchildren weren't exactly in high spirits. After days spent crammed together in the hot, humid carriage, with scant opportunities to stretch and even less proper food or rest, the children were all exhausted. Little Obi clung to Kiiss's side, dried tears painting salty trails on her dark cheeks. Ekene and the other Stargazers watched apprehensively as Xolani and Oesu descended from the State Hall toward the group. Dalar even went so far as to inch a hand toward the hilt of her belawa.

"Madame Kiiss." Xolani inclined his head. The gleam of something metallic briefly startled her, and Vinie realized that the Lord of Undor had received a recent 'improvement' to his severed arm. In place of the missing limb, an arm molded from what looked like an alloy of gold and copper hung at Xolani's side. Complete even with etched designs to mimic skinpainting art, the arm would have been quite life-like if not for its colour. Vinie's own arms dangled limp, deadweight beneath colorful bandages fashioned from Kiiss's headwrap. If it bothered Kiiss to have her hair – tightly braided but rarely seen – out in the open, she made no mention of it. Instead, the ArtSeller, youngest grandchild in tow, pursed her lips at Xolani's golden arm and said nothing.

Undeterred by Kiiss's frosty greeting, Oesu looked Vinie and Gideo over from head-to-toe. "Welcome back, Lieutenant." She spoke to Gideo, pointedly ignoring Vinie. "I must admit, Xolani and I despaired of ever seeing you alive again. It's a welcome relief to be proven wrong."

Gideo, who since The Lair had been uncharacteristically quiet, nodded curtly. "Thanks to Vinie and Kiiss."

"Yas, and others as well from the looks of things." Approaching Ekene, Xolani extended his good hand. "There aren't many of our people left who are bold enough to live north of Undor. I don't believe I'm wrong to guess that you must be the infamous StarGazers of Amenthere?"

"Ekene StarGazer." Cautiously, Dalar and Okoreo close on either side, Ekene reached out to accept Xolani's wrist-clasp. "There are no StarGazers left in Amenthere...not anymore. We are all that's left." She indicated the ten other assassins standing silent and watchful around the carriage.

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