Chapter 24 - So Burns the Heart

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"High Obad."

At Mahir's command, Arzai arose from her seat in the royal viewing box. Her face was still, as expressionless as the stone mask of an executioner as she gazed down upon Gideo. Gideo, chained to the stake and without hope, could only stare helplessly back at her. The red sorceress's lips parted, she drew one long breath, and her scarlet eyes blazed with a sudden inner glow. Arzai held out a hand before her, and fire ignited on her palm. Gideo's hands curled into fists, bracing.

A rumbling of wheels and rattling of chains shook the ground, echoing throughout The Lair. Everyone in the stands – previously stock-still and silent as if frozen – looked around in confusion. In the royal box, King Mahir leapt to his feet and gripped the hilt of his sword, jaw clenched in outrage. Arzai, momentarily caught off guard, closed her hand, snuffing the flames. Every head turned in the direction of The Lair's main gate. Someone was coming. With a thunderous groan of wood and metal, the doors swung inward. Gideo strained to see, heart still hammering in his ears. Whatever this sudden interruption was, it had bought him a few more precious moments in this life.

Gideo's relief was short-lived. A cadre of city guards marched out onto the floor of the area, red cloaks swishing ominously, visors down. They marched in tidy formation, and in their midst, hands behind her back, walked a lone captive. The anger on Mahir's face melted into incredulous disbelief, to be replaced even faster by a predatory smile. Behind him, Prince Hithon and the Obads gaped, eyes wide. A ripple of shock quickly spread up and outward through the stands. Some even yelled aloud.

"The BlackPearl!"

"It's her! It's really her!"

The soldiers marched Vinie up before the royal box, past the stake where Gideo was chained. Vinie met Gideo's horrified gaze only just briefly, and her eyes were wide.

"Vinie!" Gideo choked. Then she looked away, and he hung his head in despair. "No..."

"What is this?" demanded Mahir, leaning forward over the railing, one hand still on his sword. "Explain."

"This is Vinie BlackPearl, the Factionist ringleader and traitor, Your Highness." One of the soldiers at the head of the group spoke up, voice echoing slightly from beneath their helmet. Another wave of exclamations swept the crowd. "She was arrested attempting to enter the Southern Gate. Forgive our interruption, but as the Officer in Charge I thought it best she be brought directly to you."

Mahir swept aside the officer's apologies without a second's thought. "You've done well, soldier, very well indeed. You and your unit will be richly rewarded for this, I promise you." Then the king locked eyes with Vinie's intense stare. "We meet again, Vinie PearlDiver, for the third and last time. As you can see..." Mahir indicated where Gideo stood slumped atop the pyre "...your timing is perfect."

Vinie's lip curled in pure hatred. "After what you did to Sahar and Utunma, I make a point of never being late again."

"Bold words for a condemned woman. You've faced execution before though, and were granted mercy. If you had just been grateful and accepted Amentherian law, as your ancestors did for centuries before you, there need not have been any more killing after your SeaSon husband. Because of you, hundreds of Gorians are dead. It is only fitting that you and Gideo SkinPainter now join them."

Vinie lifted her chin defiantly. "I am not my ancestors, and I will not submit."

Mahir opened his mouth to say something – perhaps to give the order to have Vinie placed atop the pyre beside Gideo – but he never got the chance. Instead, he was cut short by startled shrieks from the spectators.

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