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*Song above: The XX - Crystalised



I woke up with a sour mood in the early hours of the morning. I took some moments as I sat at the edge of the bed and looked out of the huge window in my room. The sun hadn't risen yet and it was snowing outside. It was still dark outside but I knew that I had to get up and go out for a run before I join the warriors for training.

With a groan, I pushed myself out of the warmth of the duvets. I didn't care to dress up because I'd be phasing in my wolf. As soon as I left my wing through the back door, the cold temperature hit me like a punch straight into the guts. Though the effect was soon gone as I phased into my wolf and broke off towards the woods.

The trees were left behind me in a blur as I ran through the forest. I was careful enough to avoid the parts of the forest with thick snow. I met some of the warriors who were out for a run too. After a good run, I was back in my wing. I showered and dressed in my gear before heading towards the training ground.

Augusta, my second in command was already present there. He greeted me before continuing his work. Slowly, more warriors started to come in.

"What made her do this all of a sudden?" I asked as soon as Augusta stepped beside me to practice some combat moves. His head snapped towards me. His eyes searched my face before he finally understood what I was talking about.

He simply shrugged at me before suggesting, "Why don't you ask her yourself?" I aimed a punch at him which he blocked without breaking a sweat, "So, will you participate in the Calantha Ceremony this year?" He asked as he tried to flip me back.

"I am not sure yet but why are you so concerned?" I dodged him successfully before moving to his back and leaping at him. He moved away at the right time and I ended up on the floor but I did not waste a moment to jump back and face him before he could attack me.

Augusta sighed at me. Both of us knew I was very fast and had strong reflexes. It was one of the advantages that came with being a hybrid. "Why? Don't you get it?" Augusta pointed at me as he said, "If you take part in it..." He aimed a kick at me but I caught his foot and pulled him towards me to make him lose balance. Though, he maneuvered from this quite efficiently, "then everyone from the future court has to take part in it," He explained and the realization suddenly hit me.

This made me think about my mother's decision even more. Why did she do it all of a sudden? I haven't even found a mate yet but, if I even chose to ignore this for the moment then most of the people who would be part of my rein in the court aren't even out of their training phase. Though they'd be well trained when I will be crowned in a few years but still, it was not rational. Heck, my third in command, Wikus is still a pup. My brother, Regulus has to regulate at his place sometimes.

"Did you tell him?" Celeste, my general came asking after training. We were currently outside the courthouse waiting for today's session to start. I was talking with Augusta and Regulus about some important matters.

"Yes," Augusta answered before my eyes fell on her. Celeste was a very tall, slender she-wolf. She was taller than all the she-wolves in Zaeris. Being almost six feet tall, she almost reached Regulus' height but I and Augustus easily towered over her. She had dark skin but the same pale blond hair and hard grey eyes of her father, Lyco, who was the current Defense Minister and supervised the states' army as well. Celeste was supposed to take his position when I become the king.

"And what did you think about it?" She cocked an eyebrow at me in acknowledgment. I, Regulus, Celeste, and August grew up together so there were no formalities between us. We were the pups who were born right after the curse of infertility was lifted from Zaeris.

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