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As soon as I felt something was wrong on her side through the bond, I left everything and went to the house running. At that moment, nothing mattered to me except for Arsinoe. I knew I had to get to her as soon as possible because she was in trouble. She needed me.

My wolf was very active and restless to get to her as soon as possible. All the emotions that I felt through the bond were so strong and... different. I had never felt anything like it. It was pure horror and terror. It was so intense that it could make one's soul shiver.

I could only wonder what horrible thing she was going through to feel something so intense and fierce. It was so powerful that I was impacted by them as well.

"ARSINOE!" I shouted for her as I got near the house but I got nothing in response. All I heard was the bird singing their warning songs as I rushed to the house.

"ARSINOE!" I called for her again but I heard nothing. I slammed open the door of our house to find it empty. I still had my hopes up as I climbed the ladder and looked at the space above the bedroom but she wasn't there too.

My wolf let out a thundering growl under whose effect the whole house shook. Rage coursed through my veins as I jumped down from the ceiling and rushed out of the house before heading towards the temple.

It was already getting dark and I was supposed to walk her back from there anyway. But I couldn't help but feel my rage intensify while my wolf paced inside me. I needed to see her sooner otherwise I was going to lose control again.

Last time, I ended up burning the woods down but this time, I would burn anyone who would dare to step between me and my mate. It wouldn't matter to me if it is some goddess or Cleopatra.

"ARSINOE!" I roared outside the temple with all my power. The temple shook before a very worried looking Edara stepped out of it.

"WHERE'S MY WIFE?" I demanded to her angrily. She visibly flinched.

"Your wife?" I heard another voice ask behind me. I looked over my shoulder to find a man who seemed like a villager. He was definitely a mortal.

"Yes," I gritted.

"We are searching for her too," He told me as he stepped around me, "She has caused so much harm to us. She has a big price to pay," He told me. If anything, his words fueled the rage in me. My wolf was already ready to lung at him and rip his tongue out.

"What are you talking about?" I growled at him as I stepped closer to him and glared him down. I easily towered over him. Seeing and feeling my rage, his face was instantly pained with fear before he stumbled a few steps back.

"STEP BACK FROM HIM!" I heard another man shout from behind me. At this, I turned around to find a huge group of villagers accumulated in front of the temple. My eyes didn't fail to notice the weapons they were holding.

They were after my pharaoh!

They were here to hurt her!

It was great fuel to the fire in my chest. I wanted to burn everything then and there but I somehow managed to control myself. Although, I was sure that it wouldn't be long until things around me would start turning into ashes.

"I am asking for the last time..." I gritted, "Where's my wife?" I asked them as calmly as I could. I was sure to use my power to dominate over them. I saw my influence on them but they still seemed reluctant to step back and provide me with an answer.

"She has run away. What else could be expected from a red-head witch who has eaten children?" A man from the group of villagers had the audacity to speak of my mate like that. A thundering growl was all I let out as a warning before I lunged at the group.

I let my wolf take over me but I didn't phase as I attacked them. I either snapped their heads or tore their libs apart first. I felt several of the villagers use their weapons on me. I made sure to be more violent and unforgiving with them.

Everything happened in a blur. Soon, I was the only one standing while everything around me was covered with blood and decapitated bodies. After I was done with the villagers, I turned to the horrified priestesses and demanded again, "Where's my wife?"

"We... we don't know." Edara sobbed at the blood spilt. I am starting to lose control at this moment. I growled and started to climb the stairs for her when someone else called for me.

"Ares!" It was Hecate again. She was still posing as the old woman working in the temples.

I growled at her as well before I demanded to her, "Where's my wife?"

"I have sent her away," Theto answered but it wasn't enough for me. I wanted to know where exactly was my mate and in which condition she was.

"Where?" I asked, "I cannot find her," At my statement, Theto's eyes widened somewhat before she looked around the lives I had taken.

"What did you do..." Those words rolled out of her lips as a look of fear and uncertainty transcended on her face. Both of us were aware that this was starting of something evil and terrible. I wasn't going to stop until I got her.

"If I don't find my wife before midnight then I am going to set this village on fire!" I threatened.

"No!" Edara sobbed as she looked at me pleadingly but I was already blinded by rage. The terrible feelings inside me were already eating me away.

"Ares, please. We don't know where she has gone," Theto pleaded but it was already too late. I turned on my heels and headed towards the village where the news of the blood spill had already spread like a fire.

Behind me, the priestesses sobbed with terror. They had prayed so hard to maintain peace in the village but tonight I was going to raise hell until I found my pharaoh.


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