Chapter 1 - Graduation

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Today was your last day of class of your final semester of graduate school and you could not be more excited for class to be over. Your professor decided since it was the last day and you didn't actually have a real final in the class he would invite a guest speaker to talk to the class.

    "Wanna place bets on how many people are going to walk out during the seminar?" Macon laughed.

    Macon was your best friend. You grew up together and your parents were close.  Macon was around six foot and toned. He had blond medium hair and blues-green eyes.  He has always been there for you through all the breakups and all the drama that has followed you to university.

    "Who knows maybe he solved some intense cases when he was younger," You joined in laughing.

     Professor Walkin finally walked in the room and behind him walked in a tall, slim man with medium chestnut brown hair. He wore a button up with a tie and tux suit over both. To top it off he carried a satchel to his side. Besides the attire, he looked like he could sit in on the class with the rest of us.

    "Hey Y/N, do you think that's Walkin's son?" Macon looked at you.

"Alright class! Settle down! Everyone please welcome Dr. Spencer Reid. He is here from the FBI Behavioral Analysis Unit," Professor Walkin announced gesturing at the young looking man.

The class looked confused when the words "doctor" and "FBI" came out of the Professor's mouth.

"Hello, like Professor Walkin said I'm Dr. Reid. I'm going to be talking about the differences and correlations between stressors and triggers when applied to criminology," Reid smiled shyly starting to write on the whiteboard.

"He's kind of cute actually," You heard a girl behind you whisper and giggle.

As Reid wrote on the board a group of students began to talk loudly.

"Hey doctor! What exactly do you have your degree in again?" This one kid asked and the room got quiet.

"Actually I have a PhD in Mathematics, Chemistry, and Engineering and a Bachelor's in Psychology and Sociology," Reid said with another shy yet proud smile before going back to returning to the board.

Wow. He's so young and yet he's accomplished so much already.

"Can you stop drooling over Dr. Dork, Y/N?" Macon laughed and elbowed you.

"I don't know what you're talking about," You rolled your eyes.

"Class! Everyone be quiet or I'm failing all of you!" Professor Walkin practically screamed.

——45 Minutes Later——

At this point half of the class was either asleep or resting their head on their hand. I guess all the facts Dr. Reid provided got to them. One girl had to be excused because she had asked him about a crime and he answered every question and more, even sharing gruesome details.

"That concludes my teaching and questions," Reid said eventually.

Everyone began to clap until Dr. Reid interrupted.

"I do have a joke to brighten the mood though. How many existentialists does it take to screw in a lightbulb?" He paused. "Two! One to change the light bulb and one to observe how it symbolizes incandescent beacon of subjectivity in another world of cosmic nothingness."

The whole class fell silent. I didn't think it was possible for it to be more quiet than when Professor Walkin threatens us with failure.

"Okay class, you may leave," Professor Walkin announced and almost immediately everyone left.

You actually wanted to ask Dr. Reid something. You had been completing an internship doing paperwork as an grad student for the FBI to gain experience. It's not a huge position or anything recognizable. You sit behind a desk in a lab inside an office building after school filing papers. It will be worth it, right?

    "Hey Macon, I'll catch up with you in a bit," I say and head to the front of the auditorium towards Dr. Reid.

    He was putting papers with notes on them in his satchel.

    "Hey um.. Dr. Reid? You said we could come ask questions?" I approached somewhat cautiously matching his aura.

    "Oh! Yes, go ahead," He smiled.

    He is a lot more attractive up close for some reason. I guess it was hard to see from my seat with all the heads in the way from my view.

    "Did you go into the BAU right after college?" I asked.

    "I did. I joined the FBI at 22," He explained.

    We basically went on a tangent about how early he started and how he was not great at the physical training requirements. He explained to me a lot about the BAU and it actually made me want to research it further. I just had my mind set on forensics. Then his phone went off and he looked down at it with a slight frown.

"I have to go. What's your name?" He asked handing me an info card.

"I'm Y/N," I smiled.

Reid grabbed his stuffed and hurried outside. I assumed it was something involving the FBI since he was in such a hurry. Maybe even family related? Who knows. Then it hit.

I just finished my last semester of graduate school.


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