Chapter 2 - Quantico

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    Today was your last day sitting behind a desk in an uncomfortable chair staring at thousands of words, paper by paper. As much as you were ready to leave this internship behind, you enjoyed the experience and connections you made in the building. You looked down at your last bit of papers and smiled. What an odd thing to smile at, but this is what an internship at the FBI does to you.

You gathered your belongings together and what you had at the desk in your bag once you finished. Then a knock appeared on the office door.

"Y/N, a word," The office director walked in.

"Yes, sir?" You responded as you stood with your bag ready to head back to your apartment.

    "You've been recognized as one of the top students of your class by your school and professors. We have also seen all the work you have done here. I know on your resume you wrote that you wanted to go into forensic psychology but I'm here to offer you what I would call a bigger opportunity. There is a profiler position for the Behavioral Analysis Unit and I believe you would be a good fit. You would have to go through a mental health scanning and physical scan, but I talking to the Supervisory Agent and he is willing to take you on," He began explaining.

You stood there processing what he was proposing to you. An FBI Agent? The thought of joining the FBI never crossed your mind. Yes, your interned there but you just figured the experience would look good for forensic psychology and they were accepting interns. Now you are being offered a job.

"Hello? Y/N?" The director spoke again.

"Yes. Sorry. Do I have to make a decision right now?" You ask still thrown off about the whole situation.

"You have until Friday so they know if they will see you Monday," He responded and walked back out the door.

Keep in mind, today is Wednesday. That means you have two days, not even, to think about a life changing decision. You drive back to your small apartment thinking about what the director said. Do you have what it takes? Was everything he said about me true? Is this the right choice?

You step inside the apartment and throw your bag on the couch. This was a stressful decision so you decide to call Macon to talk it over with him.
    "Basically, I have until Friday to decide my career," You finish your explanation.

    "I mean you can always quit, Y/N," Macon laughs.

    "This isn't McDonalds! We're talking about the FBI here!" You sigh putting him on speaker so you can get in your pajamas.

    "Fine, you want me to be serious. You wanted an interesting career and honestly I think this job opportunity is perfect for you. You did seem interested in what Dr. Dork had to say in class anyway," Macon seemed to be taking the conversation more seriously.

"It was interesting and I did enjoy it actually," You basically ended the conversation there since it was late.

Eventually you went to bed thinking about Friday.
Today is the day, Friday to be exact. You made your decision. You decided that it would make the most sense for you to accept the director's offer and join the BAU. This opportunity doesn't just come up anytime or to anyone. It also combines everything you love and uses your major. This also makes you feel like that internship filing papers was not a complete time consumption.

The director seems pleased with your decision and takes you to get your testing done as well as your physicals. The following Monday, the director sends you off with another secretary who works under the BAU. She takes you to the main building and headquarters.

    "Welcome to the team, Y/N L/N," A tall stern faced individual stood before me.

   "You must be SSA Aaron Hotchner," I smiled trying to be as friendly as possible and not nervous at all. 

    "You can just say Hotch. The rest of the team is up at the table preparing for a case that was just called in. You don't have to participate if you don't feel ready," Hotch looked at you and you felt quite intimidated. 

     "I have to learn somehow, right?" You let out a slight laugh trying to joke but he kept stern as you followed him up to the room.

    The room was made up of a rather large round table surrounded by chairs as well as a sofa. Windows allowed you to look in and out of the room. Monitors covered one wall of the room as well. You were slightly overwhelmed at all the people you were meeting at once.

    "This is Agent Y/N L/N. She is going to be joining us since Emily is away. Let's get started, Garcia?" Hotch immediately began without saying any of their names.

    You looked over at Garcia who dressed very bright to be working in this field. She wore a bright blue floral dress with matching blue flowers in her blond hair. Then you scanned the table briefly. There was another somewhat stern looking older guy but not as serious as Hotch. He had dark hair but his facial hair was already turning grey. Then there was a muscular darker skinned man who gave off confident energy. Next to him sat a girl with blond hair past her shoulders. She looked young but she also looked like she could be a mother. That's when you noticed him.

The last person at the table was Dr. Spencer Reid.

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