Chapter 5 - Headache

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    You walked into the BAU and walked over to Reid. He sat at his desk playing a game of chess by himself. The subtle bags under his eyes indicated that he hadn't slept the night before. You and Reid had just spent a great evening together. Why did he look so upset and drained?

"You okay, Spence?" You looked at him with a concerned expression.

"I'm fine. It's just my headaches are back. Riboflavin must not be helping anymore," Reid looked up at you squinting his eyes from the lights.

"Spence, you should go home and rest," You day as you sit down next to him.

"I'm fine, really," He forced a faint smirk looking you in the eyes.

    Reid pushed the small chess board in between you two on the desk.

    "Your turn," He actually smiled this time.

    You had played chess maybe once in your life before this, but if it made Reid feel better you were going to play. You and Reid sat there a few minutes playing chess. He was going easy with you. He could have finished you within a couple moves but he enjoyed playing. Surprisingly, you actually won. He let you, but you still won against Reid.

    "Good game," He reach out with his hand and you took it.

    At this point the rest of the team were in the building and ready to start the day.

    "Hotch wants us all at the table. We have a new case. No time for breaks!" Garcia announced and walked into the room.

    You still didn't think Reid should be working today with his headaches but nothing would convince him otherwise. Everyone sat at the round table and began looking at their tablets.

    "Haven't we solved this case before?" JJ looked confused.

    "Good eye my pretty, it looks like the unsub is replicating a case we solved from two years ago," Garcia changed the slide to the crime scene photos.

    "He's only getting braver. From a week between kills to two days," Morgan crossed his arms.

    Reid was abnormally quiet and the rest of the team picked up on it. You knew it was from his headaches, but they just saw him as being off.

    "Spence? What do you think?" JJ asked him in a concerned tone.

    "Sorry... I think there may be more people then actually documented. If the unsub has become so confident then what is stopping him from kidnapping as well. We need to look up missing people in the area," Reid said with his thoughts all over the place.

    "Wheels up in thirty," Hotch said leaving the room.

    The entire time we worked on the case, Spence wore his sunglasses. He could not focus on the case or what was happening. Every now and then he would spit out an occasional fact but besides that it was like a member of the team was missing. You were driving one of the vans with Spence in the passenger side when Hotch radioed in that you were closer to where the unsub was hiding. You sped up and headed over to the location. It wasn't a good idea for Spencer to be there since it was basically just you able to handle the unsub. There was no other choice. At least the others were on the way.

    You got to the house and ran to the door with Spence closely behind you.

    "FBI! Open up!" You shouted with your gun pointed at the door.

    Then you opened the door to an empty house full of dust with bloody footprints leading upstairs. You slowly made your way upstairs following the footsteps. Then a gun went off. It wasn't yours or Spencer's. Spence doubled over but he was not harmed, instead his ears were ringing. You ran over to him where you saw a dark figure standing in a room with a weapon.

    "Drop the weapon!" You shouted.

   The unsub raised the gun and shot at Spence and something in you pushed him so you got shot in the stomach. Reid realized what was going on and shot the unsub to the ground.

    "We need an ambulance!" He radioed in.

   "Y/N!" He looked so worried.

   "Spence, he shot me where my vest is. I'm okay. Are you okay?" You reassured him.

   "You just got shot. You need to see the paramedics," He helped you up and put your arm around his neck, assisting you walk.

    At this point the rest of the team had arrived as well as an ambulance. Spence insisted on getting checked out by a paramedic. The paramedic did the little tests he could that the ambulance offered and Spence stood there monitoring him as he went.

    "I told you, Spence. I'm fine," You laughed.

    "There may be something else wrong that they didn't pick up here," Spence crossed his arms.

   The paramedic looked annoyed at this point. He looked like his entire career had been questioned.

    "She's just going to have bruising," The paramedic said and loaded the ambulance.

    "I don't think he's experienced," Spence looked upset through his sunglasses.

    "Spence, you need to worry about your headaches," You crosses your arms and laughed.

    Back at the BAU you continued trying to convince Reid to see a neurologist. He finally gave in or at least he claimed to. You would just have to wait and see.

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