Chapter 3 - Case

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Reid could not help but stare at your presence in the room. He seemed surprised that you were there too. The other young male in the room elbowed his arm.

"Come on, pretty boy. Don't be too obvious," He chuckled.

Garcia began to put images of the crime scene on the monitors. An imagine of two children who had been abducted in Arizona appeared.

"Trenton Easton, age six, and Eric Dalton, age eight, are locals to Cave Creek, Arizona where they were abducted from their homes exactly three days apart from each other," Garcia began to explain.

    You look at the innocent boys and can't help but feel your stomach twist. You read many cases involving abductions and murders while interning, but you are about to be involved in an actual case.

"It shouldn't be too bad narrowing the unsub down. Cave Creek has a population of 5,622 plus an area of approximately 37.71 miles squared," Reid spoke up interrupting your thought.

"Trying to impress Y/L/N already, Reid?" The other young man spoke again laughing once more.

"When did the sheriff call us in?" Hotch asked Garcia as he looked at the clock.

"Around 1p.m, sir," Garcia responded.

Hotch looked at the images of the boys on the monitors with his stern facial expression.

"Wheels up in 30," He said as he exited the room.

    After Hotch exited the room everyone began giving their introductions.

    "Let me have the pleasure of being the first one to introduce myself, I'm Derek Morgan," The young dark skinned greeted me and winked.

    "I'm Jennifer Jareau but you can call me JJ," The blond woman said with a smile.

    Then the older man with a greying beard introduced himself as David Rossi. Rossi told me about the agent I was filling in for, Emily Prentiss, and how she was taking on an international job.

    "Introductions! I love introductions! I'm Penelope Garcia. I'm the Technical Analysis here!" Garcia exclaimed hugging me with no hesitation.

    "Hey Reid, aren't you going to say 'hi' and brag about accomplishments to her?" Morgan nudged him.

    Reid stood there for a minute not knowing what to say. Morgan looked at him and then at you confused at what was happening.

    "We've met before," You finally break the silence since Reid obviously wasn't going to.

    The other agents seemed thrown off by this statement. Morgan grinned like was up to something and had some grand plan. They looked like they had questions for you but you had to get to the jet, so there was no more time to chat.

Once you boarded the jet you stored your bag contained a change of clothes in a storage unit. You sat down next to JJ and looked at information on the tablet Garcia gave you. You joined in on the conversation with the group about the case when you could and tried to impress them with your knowledge. Of course Reid outshined everyone with facts the whole way to Arizona, but it was kind of cute.
The team ended up getting a lead on a man named Kyle Winston, age 46, who owned a barn off a small creek. You and Morgan arrived at the scene first. You both went to the front door and the unsub fled to the woods. Morgan bolted after him and you followed closely behind. You radioed in to the rest of the team that he was on the run and they hurried to the scene. Morgan tackled the unsub and forced him onto the ground but not without a fight. Kyle Winston hit him in the face which only made Morgan less lenient with him. He forced the handcuffs on Winston and led him out of the woods.

    Reid and JJ got the children out of the barn and while they were in there they found more remains as well as a list of names of missing children. The missing children on the list were children who had turned up in woods and the police just figured they starved or were lost. You and Morgan were escorting Winston to the cop car when he spoke up.

"You're pretty young for an agent," He smirked and winked at you.

You tried to ignore his comment and then you noticed Reid. Reid looked visibly annoyed at every word coming out of his mouth.

"It's pretty sex-.," He started before Morgan shoved him into the cop car and slammed the door shut.

You and the team wrapped up at the sheriff's office and boarded the jet back to Quantico. You sat down next to a window reviewing the case. Then Reid sat in the seat next to you.

"How was your first case?" Reid asked in kind of a whisper since some of the team had fallen asleep.

"I think I'm going to like this job even though it is kind of dark," You respond with a slight smile at him.

"If you need any help with anything, I'll gladly show you around or whatever you need," He looked at you with those light brown eyes.

    "Thank you, Reid" You couldn't help but smile harder.

    Maybe he was just being nice. Maybe it was just because he knew you previously before today. What about the look he had when the unsub bothered you? Either way, the way he talked to you just felt right. Were you beginning to fall for him?

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